
The bike lights are probably led’s they needed to darken

What happened to Meryl Streep’s face?

It went to shit when Bendis tried to out-Morrison himself

Could have just written 1 word and been done: Bendis

The legs are just a shitshow

oh man what sweet, deep nerd cut!

Indeed, good sir. Indeed.

There is no art without struggle. Ayer knows this.

Hmm I wonder what it would take to strand a ship’s crew? Seems like that of two options available neither makes a difference. I have no patience for spoiler nazis. The click was his either way.

So what do you imagine is happening to your insults?

Those legs! It’s like he’s reverse wedge shaped

It’s literally there when you go to buy the tickets online.

Captain Kirk is in it too. Sorry for the spoilers.

As soon as they picked up the guitar, bass, and drums. Those boys cover a lot of ground. I would have preferred “intergalactic” but that was probably too on the nose, compared to “sabotage.”

It was explained by repeating a useless video clip until...plot!

LeBron is on an HGH regimen

There’s no way that is enough money.

He didn’t say where he was. Could have been the oven he forgot to stick his whole head in.

looks better to me, but that show was way ahead of the time