she says she was “fully mentally prepped” to be raped by the men, and adds, “I just prayed that Kourtney’s going to have a normal life after she sees my dead body on the bed.”
she says she was “fully mentally prepped” to be raped by the men, and adds, “I just prayed that Kourtney’s going to have a normal life after she sees my dead body on the bed.”
The other posters are wrong. You do get most of tax benefit but it is not as great when you employer deducts it from your paycheck. If the employer does it it also reduces your FICA and SS wages (so you save on those two taxes).
Wait but I thought being a hermit was one of the main reasons to work from home?
Tl;dr: we don’t care who she fucks, as long as she FUCKS OFF.
I am/was speaking to your original comment. You are implying that the doctors let her die so that they could take her tissue and do with it what they wanted (that’s a conspiracy). I am employing Occam’s razor: they wouldn’t need a conspiracy to do such a thing - there was no concept of Henrietta’s ownership of her…
You’re right in that the doctors and scientists at the time who used Lack’s cells basically saw her as only a source of interesting cells with enormous potential as experimental subjects. Medicine at this time was extremely paternalistic toward all laymen in general, even more so if you weren’t female, black, and not…
Because her cells are still alive, 70 years later, and still highly cancerous?
Her “super cells” were the cancer cells. Her immortal cell line are derived from her cancer cells. It was an extremely hardy, extremely aggressive cancer. Which is why researchers use them in the first place.
I mean, come on dude.
no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?
oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.
The free market is saying that demand is low for inauguration tickets? Too bad the free market lost big and has been failing for years - check the ratings! The free market is a Hillary flunky and one of the most over-rated markets ever. Now part of the dishonest media. Sad!
To be fair, I was excluding him on purpose.
I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.
Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.
Read the article next time.
Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.
States can’t make laws that overrule federal rulings. This is a federal issue. If someone sues the state for passing a law in contravention of federal law, the State law will fail to pass constitutional muster. That’s not enough to overturn Roe. You’d have to sue based on the actual law, not because a state passed…
I paired my Hillary pantsuit T Shirt with an actual pantsuit. Lady at the polling place had to ask me to turn my Hillary tote around which is legit and the law but what good is it doing? LOOK AT ME.