
“When [the police] attempted to enter, they were informed that they’d need to go get a search warrant if they wanted entry”

You are the one who gave really shitty advice last time too, aren’t you? Are you out on some personal trolling quest to fuck up as many people’s chances of relationship or something? Laughing out loud in your dungeon as you write these novel-length posts comprised of nothing but bullshit?

I also wish that restaurants would give you somewhere to put your purse while you eat. I can’t put it on my lap, and I hate setting on the dirty floor.

Well, it should be obvious she’s lying: Trump would never go standard retard, he demands the most luxurious retard...

This whole comment is pretty bad but that first point makes me wonder if the whole thing is just a troll post.

Aside from this being the US (guessing), they’re being “modest and chaste” cause “christian.”

le Boooooo

Man, I’d hate to think what they’re doing in the town of Mean.

fun fact:

This is your obligatory reminder that whatever you think of American prudery when it comes to the sex lives of politicians, Anthony Weiner didn’t go down for a little harmless consensual sexting. The “accidental” tweet that broke the story was an unsolicited dick pic sent to a college student who had tweeted him about

Comment on silently in your head.

Okay, I am a little shocked at the number of comments about how Fu Yuanhei should have used hormonal birth control to skip her period for Rio. Lady is an elite athlete who no doubt has tracked her fitness relative to nutrition, medications, rest, etc. for years. Shouldn't we give her the benefit of assuming she knows

Maybe she’s not on hormonal birth control. It screws with some people, and I can see what would be minor symptoms for a normal person being a challenge for an elite athlete in prime training.

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

The problem with your solution is that that’s not how the mental calculus goes for us women. It’s not: “Am I willing to punch this guy in the face even if it means he punches me in response?” Yeah, OK, I’ll go for it. I can take a punch. Except that’s not how it works.

If it was in a movie you’d say it was unrealistic CGI

That’s “the Biles”. She’s the only gymnast that can do that.

that is not how physics works

This is terrible, shitty advice with those “hints” and you’ve probably never been on the receiving end of those kind of “hints”. They’re just cruel and won’t prepare or help at all. Dr Nerdlove is right- a clean break is best.

OK, brand matters there. We have a greyhound and she is useless as a crumb vacuum.