
I dunno, man. I’m just like super into the Constitution. Maybe that’s just me.

Oh I didn’t see the photo of the friendly sign that read “Bring us new girls to meet!” Where did you see that one?

He’s a GM’dO.

Fucking GMOs.

I dunno dude, maybe disclose this desire to your partner and let her determine whether she agrees that “the role we play together as parents feels more important than my splitting us up so that I can seek out potential pussy options”?

Well, I think every relationship is different and people should do what works for them. For me, I don’t ask permission and I don’t give it either. I will certainly call my partner to let him know if my plans have changed for the day but (barring the occasional misunderstanding about preexisting plans), I’m not asking

To me, the asking is a problem. Your wife is not your mother and asking for “permission” at a time like this communicates that you’ve already thought this through and decided that you think it seems like a good idea - you just want to make sure she won’t be mad (because deep down, you suspect there’s something to be

And what is that guy cooking? A piece of white bread?

To be clear, McKesson did not “bounce around” until he scored some high-paying cushy public school admin position. He was a Teach for America teacher in an underperforming public school and was eventually promoted. This program is highly selective and more competitive than nearly any graduate program in the country.

Sex is a biological reality (though less static than we typically believe). Gender is wholly performative. It is what I do that defines my gender because we (society) has determined that certain behaviors define one gender and not the other (i.e., wearing makeup or liking sports). We’re become more flexible about what

It’s like they hardly even tried. This copy/paste trolling just seems like it must have such a low payoff.

What a weird response. I’m (1) not a man and (2) not explaining anything except my own experience and perspective.

(I’ll also add that I’m not even male - my name is a Catch 22 reference.)

And always round up, just to be safe!

Now that you mention it, I think that’s the only context in which I’d refer to a sex partner’s penis as a “wiener.”

I’ve been on a few trips in my life where we’ve either been asked for our weights ahead of time or actually weighed at the airport. These are always on little planes where a difference of 50 pounds matters and frankly, I’m happy to jump on a scale if that’s helping to keep my plane in the air.

Interestingly, civil rights fee-shifting statues typically only work one way: so if you sue the state for a civil rights violation and win, you get to recoup your fees. If you lose, you pay your own lawyers but the state can’t come after you for their fees to defend the case. This is in place to (1) incentivize state

I work with people like this and I can tell you that it often feels very self-absorbed to me: I’m trying to deal with a problem and they’re taking that disagreement personally. What could have been a neutral difference of opinion that we resolve in a collaborative way suddenly becomes a minefield of feelings when one

Hey, hey - no need to use the fuck word!

I’m about two more emails from telling a client that I’m going to have to impose a “dingus tax” if they want me to keep working with one of their staff members.