

That cupcake car was RAD.

Ok, honesty time. I couldn’t tell my partner how many people I’ve slept with because somewhere around my late 20s, I stopped counting. It’s not like it was so many that I couldn’t keep track, it just didn’t seem like important information to hold in my head.

I watched with some girlfriends last night and we’re all at least 90% sure that he was a fake ‘bachelor’ because 1) he really didn’t actually seem that drunk in moments where he wasn’t performing awfulness, 2) he was wearing his bathing suit, 3) his job (“junkyard specialist”) is one of the more absurd fake jobs in

Ok, well for my fair skin living in southern California (after growing up in Hawaii), this is the best I’ve found in 35 years. My dermatologist seems to agree. But I appreciate your insight!

Ok, well for my fair skin living in southern California (after growing up in Hawaii), this is the best I’ve found in

It’s just for the face - one bottle lasts me at least 3 months.

It’s just for the face - one bottle lasts me at least 3 months.

Top-of-the-line for everyday use for super sensitive face skin: Chanel UV Essentiel. It works well, doesn’t irritate, doesn’t pill up, and doesn’t leave a ghosty layer.

Top-of-the-line for everyday use for super sensitive face skin: Chanel UV Essentiel. It works well, doesn’t

Haha, “wieners.”

I was drinking honey in my coffee during an experiment with EXTREEEEEM PASSOVER and I loved it. It isn’t an all-the-time thing for me, but I found it delicious!

I’ve no longer got it but I got a text once from my ex (reasonably friendly, years after our breakup) that said “I’ll be in town in an hour and in you ten minutes later.” It took me far longer than it should have to figure out that he wasn’t like asking me for a ride home from the airport or something... this message

This seems like a sneaky roundabout way to declare himself king.

And if your partner doesn’t find it upsetting, I wish you many happy years of side-by-side scrolling. I think it’s insulting, but you’re not my boyfriend so we’re good.

Then I think you can definitely say something next time. “Do you mind leaving your phone here during dinner? We love your company and enjoy dinner most when we’re all avoiding distractions.”

I wouldn’t even ask. But I would make sure that when that phone comes out, you all get real silent and awkward at the table. Might even create a moment where you can say “we don’t use our phones at the table here” and help this young person understand that’s a thing that happens and you should be attuned to the social

Can someone please send this to my ex? He could never quite process that the problem with him picking up his phone first thing in the morning - while still in bed, before anything else - was not the phone part.

Have you filed your first employment verification? If not, do that to make sure that you have the correct loan type for forgiveness - only Direct loans qualify and you may have to consolidate! (Please someone learn from my mistake!)

Also, be sure to get clarity from your lender about how exactly you direct excess payments to your principal balance. Absent your following a specific process and identifying dollars in a very detailed way, most lenders will direct your excess to your next month’s payment (and month after that, etc.) with the ultimate

I’ve found that I don’t really mind dating someone who isn’t an intellectual as long as they’re good or knowledgeable about something that I can’t do. People in my field just are never gonna cut it for me; I’m not inspired by someone who does what I do and maybe not as well. But even once I get there, so many of those

Yes and yes! Max out on your 457b contribution and then, if you still have funds remaining (even like $50/month) open up an independent IRA. But at least get that 457b going. My number one piece of financial advice is always max out your pre-tax contribution - even if it’s not matched. Compound interest is the closest

There are three of us who’ve known each other from high school and one friend has now decided that she’ll hang out with either of us alone but she does’t have fun with both of us together because she “doesn’t speak nerd” and once fell asleep at the dinner table. It’s really funny and I don’t think anyone has any hurt