So maybe that's why she's converting?
So maybe that's why she's converting?
I went to Brandeis. There are black people there.
It's not about "making black friends." It's about reflecting on yourself and your unconscious choices that are leading to having a narrow friend group. When you start a new class, do you often sit next to the woman who looks like you (I mean you, white people)? If you need to ask someone for help, do you approach…
Am I the only person who immediately noticed that Claire Danes' dress is the same/similar design as Kim Kardashian's wedding dress.?
I vote for totally honest: "I really wish that I could join you but I just can't afford it right now :( I'm looking forward to celebrating with you at the wedding!"
You can still say "I feel like this is coming too close to crossing the line" without assuming anything on his end. You're allowed to have whatever boundaries you think are important for your relationship.
I would respond once with something very clear and straightforward: "It was nice to meet you but I don't think this is the right fit for me. Take care." Only because it sucks to just get dropped by someone you think you might be into without some definitive moment. Even if you're a weirdo who tried to play play…
"Better" just means selling you more stuff. And companies are learning that making people feel good sells more stuff.
And whether you like the ad or not, the point is to get you to buy something. That's its raison d'etre. There would be nothing to discuss here if companies didn't have products that they want you to buy. Now getting people to buy something without also screwing with their self-image or relationships? I think that's…
I don't understand; you're disappointed that advertising (no matter the tone or content) remains a means to try to sell you shit?
I think that this is a fair example of one selfish person taking advantage a very generous employer. I don't think it's a good anecdote about why maternity leave is a problem.
Yup, I got a big ol' booty and no full butt undies are safe.
I don't endorse everything about the book and think it's more often tone-deaf than not, but some parts of it are insightful.
This is racist because a lot of the costuming here suggests indicators of culture that aren't specific to gang members. That's not to say that gang culture is synonymous with certain racial categories but that these sorts of costumes conflate gang culture with other cultural markers. For example, a latino teenager…
A glycolic acid lotion did the trick for me.
You know what coconut oil is incredible for? Sexual lubricant (assuming you don't use condoms or another latex-based barrier method). Try it once and you'll never go back.
Yeah, I think mine is L'Oreal? I used it twice a day (along with a total non-plucking policy) and it really made a difference!
I used some of that OTC eyelash conditioner (cheapo version of latisse) to fill in some bare spots and it totally worked!
As long as the communication is good (direct but gentle) and he's an enthusiastic learner, you'll be fine!
I think there's a difference between passively cheering on the guys and making a statement about your own experience. (In any kind of way, including "sexily".) The title says that these women "stand with IDF." That's not accurate. Israeli women are IDF.