
I've done the apple cider vinegar mole removal too. It totally works!

This cannot be a surprise to people.

I dunno, I think I would have appreciated if the managing partner of my office had gotten some explicit instruction like this. Dude, people notice that you only socialize with other straight, white men. I don't care if it's not genuine, it's your job to make us all feel welcome and if that means going out of your


I 100% agree that realistically, this cannot go on forever. And part of me I think is afraid to ask because what do I do if he says he just doesn't do that (other than laugh)?

Y'all are great. And I do go down on him with some frequency. I think part of the problem is that I'm very good at it and that just adds to any existing self-consciousness he might have about his own skill set.

I love your framing of "we've never tried it, is that something you'd be into?" Genius. I really don't want this to come off as me being disappointed (although let's be real here) or putting him on the spot in the moment.

This seems like the best place to ask for some sex advice from some thoughtful folks. I'm newly dating a mister (going on about 3 months now). We're both in our 30s. He's a self-described late bloomer. We've done some mild experimentation which is all very new to him and he's very open and enthusiastic. The

Tangential, but I'd just like to clarify that when I say I want a man with a sense of humor, that means a man who thinks I'm funny. Not a man who thinks that he's funny. Men who think they're funny are tedious and exhausting.

It is when being a writer is his job.

I made evacuation kits for myself and three girlfriends this year and each one has one of these whistles. What else are you supposed to do when you're trapped under a pile of rubble or adrift at sea?!?

I went to law school with Willis White (who sang this national anthem) and he's one of the kindest people I met during those three years. I am thrilled to see this!

Those boots do not look like bags, they look like uncircumcised penises. Everyone agrees.

"Who knew?" Just about everyone but you.

100% nothing to do with this story but Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz were at dinner one table away from me last night. They were both totally casual and looking amazing with no makeup on.

I agree. It really pleases me that the cultural shift now means that bigots at least know better than to mouth off (most of the time). We can't stop you from being horrible but we can embarrass you into keeping it to yourself (which usually, but not always, means you aren't inflicting it on others).

Nothing like some honest advertising to save a girl some time.

Things like going for a walk or to the park or to the beach are free! Bring a friend or listen to some music. You could walk to the library and borrow a book. It gets you out of the house, it's good for your energy levels, and it doesn't cost anything.

A quick "hey, your aunt can see this!" comment usually works for me and is lighthearted enough that there aren't lasting hurt feelings.