
Ok, ladies and germs. Last night I met a new friend and two (TWO!) boys. One was at my event and sent me an email 20 minutes after he left (my address is on my card). The other was just at the bar with friends and he sent me a note on a napkin as he walked out. When it rains, it pours. Just goes to show how much

Cutting for Stone and The Things They Carried along with I Know This Much is True. All books that are so sad because they're so real. No happy endings, only life.

It's adult code for "smoochy-smoochies."

Invite him over to your place to watch a movie. Serve drinks.

I agree that, if nothing more, this should be a "teachable moment" as it were. This is a huge opportunity for this father to teach his son about these issues and he should jump at the chance. If he really doesn't know what "Jew" means then now is clearly the time to teach him and to explain why using that word in

You don't. Has she ever been there for you when times were tough? Even if she hasn't - she's someone you do consider a friend and you don't have to keep giving her all of your energy but you can slowly build distance to protect yourself without breaking her heart.

I learned the very simple rules (more fruits and veggies, drink water, less processed food) and I ignore the rest. So far, so good. Doesn't mean that I don't eat my share of Reese's peanut butter eggs but I try to make careful choices more often than not and it's working for me.

Congratulations! I've never known much about either of these two but something about them together really warms my heart. A lid for every pot and all...

Ugh, I know. I was trying to include people by inviting them to my super casual bbq and it's turned into this huge ordeal and I feel terrible that anyone now feels left out.

I say go for it. Getting out of your comfort zone will be something exciting together - even if it just means that you walk around and giggle for an evening before deciding that you're not into it.

How far are you willing to go? Sometimes trying something new (toys, movies, clubs, etc.) can make things feel like a bit more of an adventure - even if the new thing doesn't turn out to be something you're into.

Ok - advices please! A friend of mine just came back to town after a long trip abroad. I invited her over for lunch and said we could BBQ and invite whoever's around. So we planned for Sunday since one of our girlfriends who lives nearby couldn't do Saturday. So we made our plan and then invited everyone we

I wish that people would do this more often. I'm sure it was awkward for you but I'm sure it meant the world to him.

I think a personal and handwritten thank you note is always appropriate. That being said, if it is for a job interview or something similar - please be sure that you write it carefully and get everyone's names right. I only found out once I was hired at my job but your notes go into your personnel file and are used

I was once with a dude and we had to make a stop at the 7-11 on the way back to my place. I watched from the car as he walked up to the counter, set down a box of condoms, looked the cashier straight in the eye, and smiled. Man, I loved that guy.

Nor a university baseball field dugout in the snow.

Many schools in my area do a sort of modified uniform policy. There is a selection of tops (tshirts, polos, button-fronts, long-sleeves, etc.) and a selection of bottoms (shorts, pants, sweats, skirts, etc.) that are all acceptable in any combination on any day. Each item is in some school print or color and readily

Right? Part of what puts me off from buying those wipeys is that putting them on display in my bathroom seems to be divulging a whole lot of information to anyone who happens by.

I have a big bottle of worcester sauce even though I don't eat steak. How tacky.

I do this all the time. It has to do with the weird pressures of the marketplace and social stressors of public changing rooms. I only buy things that I like and want but if I get it home and realize that my purchase was impulsive then I return it. If I really liked that thing in the store but two weeks later, I