Miles High

So the thing about that is that the person behind you doesn’t get the entire depth of your seat to stow their belongings. There’s usually something that stops them from pushing their luggage completely against your legs so there is usually 4 or 5 inches of seat area that is yours. You can see this here:

Not really joking. All of the Bothering Me options are a No Go. I don’t really give a crap if anyone’s kid gets to see grandma or not. You got your troubles I got mines.

  • I pick this one: “She visits her grandmother’s house for the first time when she’s old enough to pay for her own seat, iPad, and Beats by Dre headphones.” Keep your kid out of my underseat space. It’s mine. I bought it. Your kid is your problem. If she’s not old enough to fly, then she’s not old enough to fly.

Wow this guy likes talking about himself... So many “I”s...

As a practicing member of the splinter sect of pastafarianism known as sodomizing pastafarianism im deeply offended that my god “the sodomizing flying spaghetti monster” wasn’t given a chance to sodomize that boy along with jesus. That just screams of religious intolerance

Alas, such is what happens when small-minded people go drunk from the tiniest whiff of authority... :P I would have seen through this kid’s scheme, and instead of a suspension awarding detention instead, heh.

Now playing

That header image/first story immediately makes me think of this:

I guarantee when it’s brought up as you’re facing God it WON’T be funny.

Bro. Bro. Bro. Slow tf down. To talk about your points A) You’re racist and islamophobic, the Charlie Hebdo shooting was done by an extreme splinter group who the majority of Islamic people do not agree with. Though if you want to hold extreme splinter groups up as the face of whole religions you might want to talk

Why are you so quick to judge? Maybe it was a reference to that Depeche Mode song “Personal (very much so) Jesus”. Or maybe he really liked latino guys (Jesus in particular i guess). It’s been a while since my grandma was strong enough to drag me to church, but I remember something about not judging.

Kotaku didn’t make up the story. And the story contains Jesus instead of Mohammed or Abraham because the story (As most of the Kotaku readers) happened in the US, and US religious freaks only worship Jesus as their imaginary friend of choice. Had the story taken place in middle east it would have likely been about

I like to think that Jesus has a sense of humor. That’s how I like to picture my Jesus, as he fly’s on the wings of an eagle.


Imagine if it was the prophet Muhammad instead of Jesus? I hate how Kotaku finds it ok to mock Jesus and Christianity but other religions like Islam are a no no. Religion should be equally mocked.

I’d love to imagine the conversation surrounding which one of these stories to illustrate.

I like how super serious & dedicated he is to sneaking up on this guy. That’s a look of determination.

Still not as dirty as Tickle Me Elmo.