
Imagine this grisly scenario: Earth passes through the tail of a mysterious rogue comet. Without warning, machines come to life, terrorizing human beings. Only Emilio Estevez can save us all!

1990 Chevy Celebrity (2.8L V6) - $500

This song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day....thank you!

Most likely referring to the Boston '617' area-code.

These fenders/flares just look sloppy compared to the Vengeance version.

- Aviator sunglasses....$10 night games of Beercan Battleship?

Error: Incorrect User. Stand by for de-resolution.

"Yeah bro, I leave the sticker on my hat. More sticker=more fast yo!"

Grey Poupon....Rolls.....someone's making some serious cheese! Sorry, this image brought out the ham in me.

She's not lost that lo....

In the spirit of Cinco de Mayo, I'd pay 42 pesos and give new meaning to the term "beater".

The destruction...the devastation...the most hideous paint job since "Goldie Donks" got his hands on that Camaro.

It's all fun and airshows 'til Nazi's steal your rocket pack and girl!

"No 'Stairway'?......DENIED!"

Damn right! Those are our friends and family out there in uniforms, risking their lives to protect ours. It's their duty to track this POS down and bring him to justice, ours is to make that job as easy as possible. You come into OUR city and attack OUR families just to make a statement and get yourself some

"All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world. So there was only one thing that I could do. Was ding a ding, dang my dang a long ling long"

It's even worse being 6'8". Standard door frame height.... 6'8". Typical home ceiling fan blade height....6'8". My personal favorites are chandeliers hung from an 8' ceiling and those hydraulic/magnetic door actuator/locks in offices and hospitals...sneaky bastards.

just gonna leave this here...