
It was awesome as a kid, extra candy at every door and built in parties. But honestly, it gets really old competing with a major party holiday. Close friends will try to include you on celebrations but let's be honest, unless you want to host a huge Halloween/birthday bash every year just plan on being left out a lot.

As far as I can tell, the Cloud is eternal. It's simultaneously more private and NEVER GOING AWAY.

At least understand the meaning of the title of the book/movie... its not exactly some obscure Tolkien fact from the Appendices.

If you're eating tomatoes in the Hall of Minas Tirith, you are a STEWARD, not a KING, because RETURN OF THE KING is all about Aragorn returning to claim his ancestry's throne after that nasty Sauron business is dispatched.

Can't speak for the grill-lovers, but as a Madonna lover who is plugged into the fan community I can tell you that we loathe it and feel like this is a temporary bout of madness on her part. In fact, the caption Madonna wrote for this photo was a petulant tantrum about how "the grillz are here. To. Stay!" This tells