You remove content if you want to sell it back as one of the many, many DLCs that this series always has.
You remove content if you want to sell it back as one of the many, many DLCs that this series always has.
Technically, all of it could potentially be lawsuit fodder if the parent company decided to crack down.
To my mind, though, the problem here is that a lot of people are going to read a Steam page and feel like they've done their research—especially in regard to a classic series that's never let them down before. Why shouldn't they trust that?
Every grown man that went to this without accompanying a child should have to go door to door in their neighborhood and inform their neighbors.
Sounds pretty delusional...both the etymology and usage indicate otherwise.
There is but one solution for this kind of heresy.
I was expecting dissapointed.
<trope> If you got nothing to hide, what's the problem? </trope>
I am glad the Mako is cmoing back and I hope this means more planet exploration like the first game.
If you didn't find 3 chests per area on old russia, you weren't looking very closely. I could find 5-10 of them in the Moth Yards within just a few minutes. Other places were more sparse only having 3-5 but still there were plenty if you knew where to look.
I played it with a friend. We didn't like having to push select in order to see where the objective on the map was. It got very cumbersome. Just show it on the map and the waypoint on the screen at all times. I also felt there were difficulty spikes, although in retrospect that could have been because I was forgetting…
I'd like to see a true solo mode, where no one but my fireteam appears in an instance. I'd also like to see the ability to actually pause the game, and for the menu system in general to ditch the "hold x for 5 minutes to advance" mechanic.
Clear sexism. The men are only valued for their physical strength and not any of their non physical features.
There's that word again. Problematic. Don't you just love it? Problematic. It perfectly encapsulates the social justice warrior worldview. It seems to suggest that we're all part of some great herd of terrestrial herbivores, with the consumption of provocative or transgressive media being likened to meat that our…
Does it really matter if a game is "objectifying" or "misogynistic" or whatever? I mean nobody with a right mind plays those games and goes "wow, that's totally what women are like in the real world!". Making the case that games like that "teach" people that women are just sexual objects is like saying video games are…
They said it's a Twilit Wolf, so no it's not Link.
Here's Link, pulling out the Master Sword.
Goddamnit stop trying to be Buzzfeed, Kotaku...YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE BETTER THAN THAT.