Unless I missed it, I find it rather sad that there was no mention of personal and media responsibility when creating hype, only blaming the developers and their poor PR practice.
Unless I missed it, I find it rather sad that there was no mention of personal and media responsibility when creating hype, only blaming the developers and their poor PR practice.
I rarely ever play as Genji because I’m not too good with him, but I honestly don’t see him as a problem if you know how to deal with him. I can’t even count the times when people just blindly keep shooting at him when he is deflecting, a move that is clear as a day in short to medium distance the very least. Genji…
It’s very rare to see a person to actually reflect on their past mistakes and bias. At least in public. It’s impossible to grow as a person if they are unable to learn from their past. Maybe humanity has hope yet.
It’s pretty obvious that the pc port is garbage (in it’s current state) and they don’t want to show that to the public so they made up an semi-plausible excuse.
I understand what you mean and somewhat agree on it, but how the situations is/was that weaker players would pick Hanzo because it was super easy to hit, especially headshots, but good Hanzo players were such a showstopper it made some attacks nearly impossible.
No. They made them from extremely huge to almost not extremely huge.
A masochist, eh? :p
I just don’t bother. I embark next to a brook or a river when doing above ground “forts”.
Yes they will when the support for the consoles online features go away and when your hard drive breaks (unless you have made a backup copy of said hard drive).
Great. Another game that will be utterly rendered nearly unplayable when the online support of these consoles stop inevitably sometime in the future. Sigh, I wish game developers wouldn’t get lazy and print discs with incomplete game because they can just do day 1 patch.
I checked this out in detail and I stand corrected, you do lose rank. I think I made this mistake as the game used to calculate your chances to win during the match and if someone had left, you’d lose so little rank that it was barely noticeable, thus I made an error assuming I had lost no rank when I had lost so…
No, you do not lose rank. That’s what it means when it states “with no penalty”. And I doubt Blizzard bans people for leaving competitive matches. You probably just get placed in a matchmaking pool with people who do the same like in Dota 2.
If your team member leaves, you just have to wait for a bit to leave without penalty (on screen timer). The game will be recorded as a loss, but you won’t lose rank.
Not quite, but I get a tab to crash when scrolling down enough on Chrome. Might be related.
“This app is incompatible with all of your devices.”
As a apartment owner, let me tell you that living on a lease is much more simpler and sometimes even cheaper.
Yeah, sadly 3D. It was for financial reasons. 2D would’ve been a lot more expensive and time consuming. I hope the controls are not as floaty as they look, but I won’t be holding my breath. Overall tho I like how the project is progressing.
Fingers crossed for dual audio. I got a hold of a certain localization supervisor and he said they were considering it.
It’s supposed to be the peace sign or V for victory.