
So they ARE USB3? Hmm, I’ll take your word on it. Just seemed to recall them being 2.x. And the camera has it’s own port too? I didn’t know that (even tho I have the system, lol).

Yeah, that’s pretty much the only option and even that needs some good ol’ fashioned wizardry. It just seems so unlikely that they’d release an extension tho and releasing a whole new system fragments the userbase. Even Nintendo hasn’t been able to make it into a huge success and they nearly have a monopoly on the

PS4 doesn’t have a port which it could utilize for added functionality as far as I know. Aren’t the USB ports only USB 2 too? I wonder how they would achieve a upgrade.

Subscribing to a twitch b**ch is like paying a prostitute to do nothing.

Dr Pepper. Dr Pepper is not a doctor.

Yeah and services like Tenso that forward mail outside of Japan. That’s who I used before. Oh well, they still got Rakuten and others.

Well that would fall on bad conveyance then wouldn’t it? Which, btw, is a sign of bad game design.

Psst. Minecraft itself was a rip-off.

Does matchmaking still even allow for unique characters? It didn’t use to earlier.

I never said that Kickstarter is acting as an investment platform, but that is how people should treat the projects there so they can have much more realistic expectations.

It’s pretty sad that people instead of learning from their mistakes get defensive and argumentative online. Instead of learning to avoid similar mistakes in the future, you just flat out refuse to try again.

Fair enough. I for one as an educated consumer have only pledged more or less successful projects. Doing your homework minimizes losses.

I didn’t mean Kotaku specifically, but in general the tone of reporting seems to be negative.

That’s because mostly failure stories get reported since they bring in the clicks.

And then there is the episodical game clusterfuck. So uh, pretty 50-50 for me at least.

Same for me. One of my best purchase decisions.

Because you need to be a chef to tell if food tastes bad.

Unless the fixes require script extender which most definitely won’t be available on consoles and other restrictions outlined by other users.

You have paraolympics for the same reason you have heavy- and lightweigt boxers. It is to make the competition as equal as possible for the participants.