
Your post is very frustrating. You go through the effort of stating in great detail every argument that billionaires use to get public funding. These are all reasons that, on the surface, sound perfectly logical. That is why they are used. The insidious part is that you acknowledge that you will never both to read the

The articles are pretty good, Kotaku UK has done a fairly good job of being critical but not bashing it with an agenda.

When will Donald Trump release his tax returns?

It might not be cut from the main game, but when your main game, as many reviewers have pointed out, has such an abrupt, unsatisfying ending, it’s really hard to fault people for being annoyed at the presence of “single level” dlc.

So, now that Gawker is gone is this where I go to tell people that they’re wrong?

Right, it’s not like the player’s character had a loved one murdered right in front of them... oh wait, that’s right. Not to mention a son who’s current status is “complicated”. And in the middle of looking for their son and seeking revenge, the player took time out of their busy schedule to save Marcy Goddamn Long’s

My current favorite strategy is to build a colony of nothing but psychopaths, capture everyone you can, then chop out all of their organs to sell to passing pirate vessels in exchange for heavy armor and weaponry. I’ve now got what amounts to an ultra-max prison set up with a high-tech hospital and a thriving organ

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

Marcy Long better run for the damn hills before I get home..

According to PC Games N and Redditor Calycae, two pros said they’d quit if she wasn’t cheating. And after Blizzard reportedly said she wasn’t, they did just that.

Accused of cheating? That's the highest form of compliment! I treat every hate msg on psn and xbl as a trophy.

I can agree with the idea that the more intractable ignorance gets amplified in the Corps, no doubt, seen it happen. However, I doubt these guys are gonna get off with a slap on the wrist. This is an ass whoopin’ offense. It violates about 7 sections of the UCMJ and, since its viral now, is pretty much gonna

Been stationed there and unfortunately among all the service branches the culture of the Marine Corps tends to be the least, shall we say, progressive? The Commandant of the Marine Corps (Conway) was the most vocal opponent of the repeal of DADT and open integration of gay service members, right now their brass are

Nah, it’s more like “console players don’t deserve them because they’re sending us death threats and spamming our bug reports with requests, making it impossible to fix actual bugs.”

Yup. Ethically I feel like it’s the difference between industrialized meat factories and, like...natural selection out in the forest.

Dag... You get so used to them doing crazy maneuvers to perfection, you almost forget how dangerous the job is

that fucking smirk the killer had on as they were escorting him out

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

I was thinking the same thing. Video games have a terrible rap, despite the numerous benefits. People like this are making the entire culture look ugly as fuck. It’s fucking embarrassing.