
I stand corrected, after going back and looking over more info on Elite, that does indeed appear to be the case. I must admit a bias for SC, being an original backer; but having investigated Elite more now. I can say that I am eagerly awaiting Elite's full release as well!

The new Elite is fun, but its going for a more arcadey vibe. Where star citizen is going for a more immersive future sci-fi, space laser pew-pew feel

This is one of the few games that made me stop and think after the credits began to roll. I believe my exact words at the end were "...Damn..."

Modding is pretty easy nowadays. Heck for some games (like Skyrim) its integrated right into Steam. All you need to do is push a few buttons/make a few mouse clicks and *boom* new content.

You're going to see some serious shit...