Mikey Likes It Ironically

My opinion is that you need to be able to make mistakes while driving in winter conditions in order to learn, since you would only face those a few days out of each year in a city such as Pittsburgh. I grew up in Erie, and there is nothing like doing a 180 on a boulevarded street and skid backwards for 50 yards with

I have to park on the street, so generally when its this cold (4F where I live this morning) I have to scrape a thin layer of ice off of the windsheild which takes about 1 minute. I also do a tire check because there is a parking tyrant on my street (parking fascist isn't quite correct, and parking Nazi is even less

There was never a flag, just a plastic bag with some beans in it that looks just like a flag but clearly is not.

That's a common form of emotional abuse.

The total number of lines is meaningless anyway, since any modern language doesn't consider white-space important aside from one white-space character as a separator between certain types of statements (and even then it isn't important). This could easily be on one line, but that would have no point at all.

There is a craft beer/sports bar 4 blocks from my house. Its basically a tap-house (63 taps) with TVs just about everywhere you can mount TVs and two projection screens. Its a bit pricy, and the food was mediocre for a very long time, but its getting decent now. It was and still is the main selling point of my

I had a job before graduating, which helped. I had financial deferments before that when I was taking only one class at a time, though most of the time I was able to manage two classes to get the half-time continuing education deferment.

That actually sounds wicked delicious.

We've been very happy with ours. The (effective) 10% off and the combo upgrades make it a nice date night for my wife and I. Using the app, you can load gift cards on it which we can get gas points for at our grocery store, so you can double-up on discounts and potentially leave your wallet at home.

This is where a nice banking website can come in handy. I can schedule all of my payments through it, so I can pay half of each bill with each bi-weekly paycheck that comes out on payday.

They want to go the Apple route and over-charge people for storage, unfortunately for them manufacturers are still putting card slots in their phones because customers still want it.

That might be the worst fruit bee I've ever had.

Weeden's gingerness only makes him 42.3% more hideous than the average NFL quarterback, so I'd agree.

Read the Amazon reviews. It will tell you that the toner is low prematurely, you may have to pull it out and shake it to get it to recognize it again as it gets lower. You should get 700-1000 prints per cartridge. We are at 300-400, it only started registering as "low" recently. Still worth the $85 I paid

Read the Amazon reviews. It will tell you that the toner is low prematurely, you may have to pull it out and shake

I bought this about a year ago. It has single-handedly exceeded the total number of printouts of all previous printers I have ever owned, and its still on its initial toner cartridge.

I bought this about a year ago. It has single-handedly exceeded the total number of printouts of all previous

I now have to order a new keyboard from IT, for my current one is now covered in vomit (still works, but no way I'm typing on it come Monday)

During my childhood, the perpetuation of candy corn and ribbon candy among both of my grandmothers led me to believe that they both universally hated me specifically and children in general.

The link for the 2x pack of Samsung Evo drives from Newegg links to a 3.5" Seagate HDD.

I come to all of my Gawker Media articles through Feedly, I never see any ads other than the one in the side column. Granted, I'm usually late to the party (like now), but it works for me and they still get credit for the side-bar ads.

I think there should be reasonable restrictions, such as: