Mikey Likes It Ironically

I use an antenna as well, I'd rather pay for Internet bandwidth and streaming services than a bunch of channels I won't watch. For the record, I have two Rokus, a smart TV, a smart stereo receiver, and an OTA DVR.

Can you change the coax cable from the antenna? If you can, invest in a heavy-duty shielded one.

Its only on the ones that have the newer 3-column vertical arrangement for channels. If your channels are listed in a single row horizontally, its not available. I have one of each and checked it out explicitly as soon as they released that feature.

You can only output audio to one output, be it the phone's speaker, headphone jack, bluetooth or wifi. This is generally a limitation of the operating system, and potentially of the Bluetooth specification.

This deserves to be closer to the top.

If you have a web hosting account that included MySQL, you might be able to connect to that from an XBMC plugin depending on your router settings. But if you're not paying for one already, then you're spending ~$8 for that.

Verily. While I had a broken rib I would automatically shield myself with the opposite arm whenever I thought anyone was getting remotely close to me.

My wife has apparently witnessed this in person. In a Starbucks. I can't imagine how bad it gets when they are drunk. At least in a men's room they can put up a piss trough. Its really hard to miss those.

I always check one-star reviews on anything I buy, just so I know that if it does fail, how catastrophic it will be. I read one on a NAS enclosure that was something like: "When I turned the unit on, the LEDs came on but the fan was making a grinding noise. Then the unit began to smoke."

I believe McG was uncredited.

It would definitely convince me to buy one.

And allow those grandparents to remove the cupcake later, allowing one (or both) parents to sit in a chair and stare blankly into space for 20 minutes.

My wife "stalked" me from a pay site to OKCupid (I used the same username on all the dating sites I tried explicitly so this could occur). She was on the site for a week before we went on our first date 3 years ago.

Mikey's super-sausage (large crock-pot):

3) You're a woman. If you show any remote interest in a man (i.e. look at him, exist), you don't need to worry about your outfit.

I would break PA down like this:

We'll see how much Pirates tickets go up next year now that the losing streak is over.

A bit. I don't really see a difference between the information presented in general applying to nerds and non-nerds differently, overall its good info for anyone trying to date online who either doesn't know what they are doing or is getting frustrated with it.

Excellent points. Especially #3.