Occupy Gizmodo

The FCC/DOJ have restored the balance of the force to the universe.

RIM is now worth less than Apple's App Store alone. Not a good look.

By "sold out" do you mean retailers returning mass shipments of playbooks back to RIM? I guess that could be considered "sold out", a new kind of "sold out".

When will RIM just go away. These guys either need to do a complete company revamp overnight (unlikely) and make some ground breaking new products (unlikely) or just realize that they got too comfortable relying on their corporate business that they stopped innovating and got lapped twice by other smartphone makers

Simple. Don't use your Apple ID for imessage, just use your phone number.

I love how they are working to fix "bugs" and then it's supposed to be ok to remain on devices.

I'm in NYC and doubt that my usage of less than 2gb is in the top 5% in this region.

I received a message warning me I was in the top 5% of data users last month even though I had used less than 2gb of data for the month.

Does the app give you a visual to control the RC car? I would imagine it would be difficult to drive at those speeds without that.

I'm glad it wasn't only me. The magic loogie was priceless.

Now playing

For some reason the way you presented your evidence made me think about "The Magic Loogie".

I initially commented about the outsourcing but I stand corrected.

I'm sorry I'm trying to help you understand a question you asked by telling you that I know of employers that have policies that hold you responsible for your actions outside of the work place. Now you and a few other people seem to be missing that entire point. If you can't comprehend that this isn't my logic then

Your talking about different situations. An employee that loses a proto-type because he was wasted verse a employee that is accused of sexual harassment and saying an insensitive comment about a horrible situation that might result in you losing customers, are those two situations even remotely similar?

I don't necessarily agree with the way things work and I don't make the rules.

Yes, you can especially if you are a VP. See in today's world even when you punch out of the office your actions and words represent your company to an extent and employers do remind you of this. It also shows poor judgement of character on Microsoft's part, if a person of this caliber can become a VP of multibillion

At the end of the day it's a "he said, she said" situation. I would rather have a presidential candidate that has ZERO accusations rather than possible accusations. Also the fact that the National Restaurant Association paid a settlement and had a court order gag on one of the accusers says that he is indeed guilty of

I don't believe Apple is the main reason Mobile Flash died that is definitely giving Apple way too much credit. I believe Steve just saw the obvious, that it was unstable, power hungry, a security risk and they held the internet's content hostage.

I know its off topic and politics is always a slap match waiting to happen but I think it's some what relevant. If a Presidential candidate can continue to run for Prez, after numerous sexual harassment accusations, and saying inhumane comments then what example does that set for other Presidents (even corp

Well if things don't work out for Mr. Mercieca at Microsoft he can always run for President of the United States under the GOP ticket, he'd feel right at home.