Occupy Gizmodo

Thats a nice little add on but when will they allow me to fluidly navigate between services on one page so I don't have 50 google tabs open?

They are hoping every one of their users will jump on an unlimited plan so they can squeeze as much $$$$ out of customers before iMessage rolls out and completely screws up there entire scheme.

This further adds to my suspicion that AT&T charged me for overages last month so I would switch to an unlimited text plan. It was the first time I ever went over my 1500 text messages and it was by 790 messages.

If I was HTC I would try buying WebOS just in case Google decides to pull some funny business with that it's recent acquisition of Motorola.

Selling/licensing it to RIM sounds like a logical idea but the sad truth is RIM would probably cripple WebOS even further. Chaining yourself to a sinking ship is never a good idea.

hmmm doesnt seem like these bikes will fair out well against IEDs

There bank account would have a lot less 0s

I just don't understand how no one close to this girl had the heart to tell this girl not to upload that video.

This is the best news I've heard all day. I really do dislike FB...

Ha! Thats actually a perfect example.

I see Microsoft is taking a page out of Goldman Sachs' play book.

Agreed, but hey Verizon gives me the content without being a TV subscriber, why can't time warner? That just tells me they are a bunch of greedy bastards that don't deserve my money because they don't care about customers

Positive, spoke to Verizon and verified it. I can't wait to flip TWC the bird. I'm actually thinking about reaching out to an exec to let them know that they are lossing a good customer because of a shitty business plan that won't survive in the future...

For most ISPs, almost all ISPs, except Time Warner

Nope, it's my ISP (timewarner) every other isp makes it available. I actually called ESPN to verify that it was indeed an ISP issue and spoke to Verizon who verified that they do not force you to get a cable subscription to gain access to ESPN360.

Time Warner is definitely the worst, not in terms of speed but just as an ISP in general.

Speaking of youtube and google+, why in the hell can I "like" a video but not "+1" a video? Seems kind of dumb since, you know, they own youtube.

I'm sure when 4G connection becomes the standard they will make everyone lose their grandfathered unlimited plan due to the technicality of a newer data connection requiring a new contract or some other legal loophole.

I know the article read that this will begin Oct. 1st but I've noticed that in the past month or so my data has been slowing down since streaming Pandora all day at work, I actually wondered if they were throttling my data connection.

I'm waiting on three finger swipe down for tab expose again. It would have worked perfectly with fullscreen in Lion