Tab overview will be super helpful when using Chrome in full screen mode on OSX 10.7
Tab overview will be super helpful when using Chrome in full screen mode on OSX 10.7
I have always kept the practice of killing off multitasking apps that rely on an internet connection (i.e. instant messenger apps). I feel like that always improves my battery life.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent supreme court ruling to cut down on overcrowding in Calfornia's prisions.
I wonder if he pulled the cord to a golden parachute why he jumped off of the helm.
As good as the rapture happening tomorrow...
I'm seeing posts about things like this happening way too frequently and it has begun to make me wonder are all these criminals' phones really calling 911 or is there something more going on?
It's a new age bubble waiting to burst and send the internet into a recession...
Kind of sounds like paypal. I assume that each user has a Bit Coin bank account kind of like you have a Paypal account. The only difference is you get an unrecognized and probably at the moment useless currency.
Oh hahaha ya that was sarcasm. And they stopped selling them in January of this year.
Mac Minis? I dunno where your from but they've got plenty of Mac Minis in the states that they are pushing as servers...
I wonder how many Xserves Apple's using at these data centers... Zing!
I'd say that dog is more Impact Font...
I just vacationed in Israel and found an apartment to rent on Airbnb. It was great and way cheaper than a hotel and a lot better than a hostel. The apartment matched the description and the pictures were exact. I will def be renting an apartment next time I travel again I think it was way better than staying at a…
This wonderful sound...
"they also want their live content to have a polished, professional feel to it."
If there is a long hold time I usually go through a call center for a different language which always seems to work. Once I get a rep on the line I just start speaking English and what do you know, so does the rep.
Yes for some but not all. It's more of wanting to stay connected than anything else. And the parents who took there kids to the hospital are even crazier. Just take away the phone and thats the end of it. Instead they most likely pump their kids full of meds instead of parenting...