@Pressure: *** Facepalm***
@Pressure: *** Facepalm***
@Unspellable: Sure fooled me.
Don't think you'll get a good wifi signal in that room.
That's a lot of money for a product that barely works.
Who the hell still uses a landline hahaha
Now if they only open their eyes a little more and expand their sight to see that they aren't limited to a box under people's TVs.
@makoute: Ya but just from the screen shot you can see that they went to great efforts to turn out something a little bit different, something a little bit newer. Even if WM7 is an utter disappointment than I guarantee MS will change it and not just settle for "buy 1 get 1 free deals" to keep up their market share.
I think I see Jesus
It's like the "Black Box" for surf boards.
Now is the time that will separate the boys from the men, the winners from the losers and whatever other cheesy expression comes to mind.
RIM needs to stop wrapping their same old BS devices in different packaging and finally make something new if they want to survive 5 years from now. They should take a page out of MS's playbook and start getting to work.
I don't think apps are killing the internet
Add visiting extremist forums and writing questionable statements.
This has been around for ages. It's called a strip club and they skim your account $1 at a time.
Need to share this...
Thats nice that the bezel is super strong but what about the glass face?
Is she holding that kid hostage?
@fredcadete:Sorry about the bold. You know you shouldn't be a Troll just because you can be, ok? Thanks.