
“We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls.”

If Ronaldo tallies the go-ahead goal, I assume he’ll just blow himself at midfield.

I still remember the celebration after a Champs League game when John Terry made out with Yannick Carrasco’s girlfriend.

What is most frustrating is that the intersection of race and analytics could be an interesting piece that contrasts the emerging equality attained through the older system with a white-washed technology fetish. Instead, we were treated to a “and Black people watch sports like this” piece.

I’ll never get tired of reading fake Mike Francesa transcripts.

Last paragraph:

Vin Scully is an American treasure.

He can at least do the Dodgers home games in the Series.

More like former coach.

Leading causes of death in Russia (per capita):

It’s not how people talk. It’s something I have never done my entire life. And this comes from someone who used to refer to everything I didn’t like as gay until I graduated 8th grade. It may be how you talk.

I think what you mean is, you miss the days when you would say that and no one would call you an asshole for it.

A straight guy here. I’ve never talked like that. Just saying.

You wanna know how to succeed in life? Quit giving people the satisfaction of your reaction. Treat everyone you meet with kindness no matter how much they’ve wronged you. Be the bigger person. People are going to be assholes and there is not one single solitary thing you can do about it except for controlling yourself

You’re doing it wrong. You’re going to have the government be your landlord and set the rent at something reasonable, like $1 a year, and then you’re going to charge people who visit your house for stuff like parking, food, and a seat on the couch.

Now you just have to get voters emotionally invested in the yardworkers who’ll be out on your lawn every weekend.

I’m gonna build a new house using public taxes simply because the house I want to build will look nice and help bring in more property taxes for the area around me and it will employ people to work in and around my house. I deserve to use public money to achieve that. Makes so much sense.

Sam, these images just float around in your head waiting for a story to match the visual, right?