I’m so sorry. It sounds so unbelievably difficult to have to contend with that. I know I’m just some rando on the internet, but believe me when I say I admire the strength it must take to contend with something like that in your life.
I’m so sorry. It sounds so unbelievably difficult to have to contend with that. I know I’m just some rando on the internet, but believe me when I say I admire the strength it must take to contend with something like that in your life.
Wyoming is windy. Leave it alone; it’ll probably blow away on it’s own.
All of the Broncos football takes; the QB deification, the boring-ass offense, Talib being an objectively bad human being: all true.
Hmm. Been reading and commenting on Deadspin since 2008. Nope, still in the greys. They hate me.
Let me check.
LA in ‘84 was a pretty decent model, setting aside that in order to make it profitable, it was the first games to become fully a corporate marketing vehicle. TL;DR - pick a city with all the existing suitable sports venues, and lots of universities with empty dorms for the summer; and renovate instead of building.
Does it feel like every NFL team had a player that got shot? It feels like every team had a player that got shot.
Agree in principle, but it’ll never, ever happen. Better bet would be the DOJ suing a team or a league afterwards, or blocking a team move, as a blatant violation of anti-trust law. Yes, baseball has anti-trust exemption, but they’re also scared as hell that congress will revoke it. This kind of monopolistic behavior…
I live here in Denver. Orange is a horrible color, and 1000 words on that by itself will make me happy.
I never liked Kings Quest for all the reasons Drew enumerated. But I would kill for an updated ‘Police Quest’, which was amazing. And because of a software glitch, I never actually got to finish. 25 years later, it still hurts like a phantom limb.
- I believe we should ban the DH, long putters, extra points, the NIT, and pick-off throws.
Michael Jordan’s secret NBA ban for gambling in 1993. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2013/11/five-s…
“If Tim Wakefield’s 56 mi/hr knuckleball was a car speeding past Yankee Stadium, it too would have its license suspended.”
Well written, well said. I will say that that the US was probably not as good as Ecuador in the quarters, but beat them anyways because they had a good plan. In this game, yes, Argentina were more talented, but the US plan wasn’t good, and when it was clear after 15 and 30 minutes that it wasn’t working, they didn’t…
When does the FBI designate the NRA as a terrorist group? Because that might be a pretty good solution to our problems.
+1. Made me spit out little bits of taco.
This ad was miscast. The hyper, jumpy dog should have been played by Sharapova herself.
It’s criminal. People need to be executed.
I’m thrilled to discover that a) Chamomiles Davis is a father of small children (like me!) and b) he can’t get that fucking song out of his head either.