
That wasn't quite a "tepid" reaction. That was more of a "we're an all white audience and this is so spot-on it's making us really uncomfortable" response.

Both MLS games should be really good, far better than the Milan derby. And in our time zone. And on over-air broadcast. So expect Haisley to write an MLS hate-screed or fawning homage to Montolivo in 3…2...

Los Santos really needs to invest in training for the fire department.

I'm a teacher. If a kid shows up at my school dressed like that, I'm calling child protective services asap.

Kudos to Billy for writing a whole MLS article in which he does not at all shit on the league! He let MLS shit on itself here. Kudos I say!

So basically, they're legitimately addressing the problem. Unlike the Rapids.

Forget about a counter. What about just having a staff writer who covers the MLS beat and some other sports, but without being a troll? Howard covers EPL (mostly Arsenal) very well. Billy covers Bundesliga and La Liga. The two of them seem to be begrudgingly assigned MLS pieces, and not surprisingly, they don't give

I feel like this email of the week has probably happened to ever guy in history at some point. Yes? For me it was LITERALLY with my first girlfriend ever, when I was 14. Her stalker/non-boyfriendy boyfriend threatened to stab me to death. Summer camp is fun!

Two thoughts.

Magnificent. I haven't seen this clip in ages, and its one of the best things that ever happened on 'Cheers'. Props!

Neither are Dallas and Seattle. They play in the same league and division (MLS, anyhow). Europe really isn't that big. But I agree with you that it's not gonna happen.

Why do you guys keep writing inane lists? Why do I keep clicking on them like an idiot?

What did we ever do to you Billy? We're just a nice little domestic league, trying to play some football for the locals to enjoy. Theres some good soccer here, and some great analysts like Lalas, Twellman, Matt Doyle and Andrew Wiebe. Just relax, man.

What I expected this article to be about was not I what read. The straightforward and logical way to see Hope Solo against the NFL is "Men commit domestic abuse frequently, but sometimes women do it too. Gender should not play a role in how sports leagues and the justice system deal with it- you assault, you are

I think the NFL could solve their domestic violence and child abuse problems easily by eliminating the position of running back.

I wish American corporate culture could learn from Japan. After a failure of leadership you 1) take full responsibility and discuss the shame you brought on your company and your family 2) resign 3) gut yourself with a samurai sword.

Think about everything you hear about Washington in the news: The disingenuous, corrupt, racist white jerkoffs bankrupting the country. The gutless fucks who say that there's "no simple solution" to people with AR-15s shooting up public places... but legislate what gay people can order at Chipotle. The defense

The Cowboys will convene a special workplace training to ensure employees clearly annunciate 'R' in Romo from here on out.

I can't tell if Drew is actually Zodiac Motherfucker on Lithium, or Zodiac is actually Drew on a meth-coke speedball. Either way, God bless you, Zodiac.

I'll second that comment and add… who puts their 85 year old mother on a plane and just assumes the airline will take good care of her? These are the same companies that routinely strand passengers on the tarmac for three hours with no food, and have a humongous warehouse in Georgia for the unbelievable amounts of