I agree. That's why its only an implied notion- sometimes we Yanks come up with PC terms, despite still, you know, paying women $0.72 for every dollar a man makes.
I agree. That's why its only an implied notion- sometimes we Yanks come up with PC terms, despite still, you know, paying women $0.72 for every dollar a man makes.
I think you mean to end this rant with 'right, mein herren und dammen?'
I think the implied notion there is that 1) we are an enlightened, non-sexist nation, and the rest of the world needs to learn from our example, and 2) the USWNT has won 2 world cups, and finished no lower than 3rd ever. Proper respect to our more successful side. That being said, being the only acronymed team is SMH…
Watching the whole 4 hours in one sitting. The story on Garrincha was good. But the bit on the Hillsborough disaster was absolutely one of the most gripping stories I've ever seen.
Interesting that the defense is suspect. Victor Bernardez has had a great season with San Jose, shutting down attackers and (especially) dominating in the air, and playing very (sometimes too) physically. I think 3rd is probably right, but this group is soft as a newborn baby duck, so if you're gonna pick an upset,…
France could go out first round, or make a deep run all the way to the title, is full of douchebaggy players, and is generally and historically disliked by all.
Well, shit, now I'm rooting for three teams in the group. That's a problem.
You're both right! He's a racist, but it also happens that most of his buildings are high rises, which in LA are clustered in tony, predominantly white neighborhoods. That being said, if a Latino family applied to rent an apartment in Century City, history would show that Sterling would take great pains to block entry.
Not satire. Hardcore trolling. Tim Marchman, is that you? Or Billy Haisley?
Amen! I don't have time to buy whole, fresh coconuts direct from Tahiti. The shavings in a bag will have to do, lady. Don't treat me like I just clubbed a baby seal.
Kind of. I think we're all still figuring out if NBCSC is more 'ESPN' or 'ComcastSportsNet- Region I didn't know existed'. The big three networks have a 'game of the week' at-least of Baseball, Football, and Basketball. When hockey gets there, they've made it. But the outdoor games they've put on are a step in the…
This is why Barefoot Contessa cookbooks make me angry.
I used to be a fan- I grew up in Los Angeles in the Gretzky era. Those were great times. My kids are little, though. You can't bring a small child to an event where two grown men might punch each other senseless- he'll come home and play 'hockey player' with his little sister. The sooner the NHL realizes this, the…
Jeez, a drive to nowhere; I'm not sure what makes a US Postal delivery hub a"city" of "commerce". And they're tearing down a huge old factory just south of downtown, by a light rail line and I-25, that just screams 'If you build it…'. Still, a Rapids game is a good time.
It's not the checking. It's the punching with the enforcers and the concussions and the CTE.
I moved to Colorado. I am made physically ill by color orange and the mindless 24/7/365 worship of all things Bronco. Hockey is too violent to bring my kids to. And the Rockies are a very expensive Triple-A experience. I like soccer, and although, as Haisley has pounded into our brains, the local experience is a far…
Milk and honey Original Cafe Mix? Barry Bonds? #cancelmarchman
I'm not at all interested in Pistorious. I only clicked to see what pun someone would make with 'Pistorious' and 'takes the stand'. Bravo, sir.
One of the mascots is normal.
"sourced". I can't fucking stand it anymore. An effete snobbish word for 'we got it from a farm two hours away.'