
counterpoint: fuck the cubs

Take your L, sport.

It’s not, in fact, difficult to care about the fundamental humanity and dignity of working people in a city you’ve never been to, and to be upset when their public infrastructure gets gutted as a way of throwing money at a billionaire. This is a really weird concern trolling take

I come from a family of addicts. Half of them get so angry at Doc, the other half (& me) get that sometimes it’s damn near impossible to break that cycle. So, when I was at the ASG Fanfest — he was there, and he was a little bit bigger in the belly than he had been, but he seemed otherwise fine and he had a great time

I hope the treatment helps save his life, make him healthy again, and cure his addiction to driving.

I tried to quit a pack-a-day smoking habit three times, including a 2.5-year sting, before finally doing so in 2003.

“In the building” is also a pretty solid summary of my average day at work.

shout out to the REAL MVP the rich mf’er who had season tickets to the 2 seats i sat in every game and only showed up to like 4 games the entire season

He’s right about people in general, not just golfers. They don’t think ahead while in line. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a TSA security line and half the people walk up to the podium and only then start pulling out their ID and boarding pass. Or they don’t get out the credit card at the store until all

supposed to take off at 3:15, boarding was supposed to start 2:55

My favorite part about this is how he looks away from the ball as he half-heartedly leaps into the wall. He started out pursuing the ball, and finished looking like he was fleeing from it.

I was with this little spinner a long while ago and we were at her place which was a very nice studio apartment. Anyways we’re sorta all over the place and end up with me sitting in this kinda funky artsy chair with her on top.

In all fairness, and albeit for different reasons, Jeff Fisher’s offense was also scary, if not horrifying.

This is what happens when you eat too many Ls.

Jameis Winston standing there by himself trying to look hard after none of his teammates made the slightest effort to hold him back—when it was damn clear to everyone that’s what he wanted—is a goddamned Christmas miracle.

Now playing

All I have to say about Nancy and Tonya is that Oksana was better:

Tonight’s guest on “How to tell someone is not from New York”

A) You couldn’t have all the scores together at the end?

Give him a break- he’s just rusty. It took him a while to even answer the softball questions:

I did a double-take when I realized that was still in the ‘quoted’ section of the post.