Family Circus and Marmaduke are two of the worst things in human history, non-murder/war division.
Family Circus and Marmaduke are two of the worst things in human history, non-murder/war division.
Let’s cut Drexler some slack. He’s had to live the last thirty years as The Guy Who Made Portland Not Draft The Greatest Player In History Which Meant Instead of Rings Portland Had Fuckhead Bill Simmons Pimping “Breaks of the Game” For Goddamn Ever Holy Shit Kill Me
There’s always highlight truthers
公園で犬がすべり台してました 笑
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Doesn’t this entrepreneur have a self-sustaining business to run?
“Heck! Dang peanuts made me thirsty again. Better find that feller with the milk!”
“Those peanuts would go great with the milk I’ve kept in my mouth for the past 5 hours”
You might say Ready wasn’t...
My friend went into a Target yesterday, and saw a bunch of onesies that said “Future President” in with the boy baby clothes. There were no such onesies on the girl baby clothes side. She took half of them off the rack and moved them to the girl side, which is why we are friends.
I realize I’m shouting into the gray-text void here, but there’s something everyone should know about these units: they make the rest of the house warmer in the process.
I realize I’m shouting into the gray-text void here, but there’s something everyone should know about these units:…
Starting it off early this year.
While Bud may not be a Hall of Famer, at least he’s helping many of today’s hitters get there.
shup and sit down, it was all done by God.
Baylor being filled with scum doesn’t change the fact that Urban is scum himself. He’s doing the right thing only because he has no other options.
Sure, good old Urban, always doing the right thing.
Dress jorts or GTFO.
This is an old photo. A Von Miller statue has that ball now.
Lawyer: We’re going to get to the bottom of this.
Here are my thoughts: Subban was used this season as a sacrificial lamb to cover up the fundamental deficiencies of the team by Therrien. Therrien can’t be replaced very easily because, well, you know.
Pictured: Ugly grill, poorly cooked steak over charcoal fire