
He wasn’t there, doesn’t know the situation, but is fine with espousing the police’s justification for the assault. Well done on the statement to the public, Ernie. Nailed it!

Normally I side with the victim but in cases like this where there are serious credibility issues I just go with whichever side shouts the loudest on Kinja.

Always measure your tweet from the underside, not on top if you want an accurate reading.

It’s hard to separate the company from it’s base for me. All I can think of when I hear Harley is the modded exhaust, 120 db pieces of shit that the owners of insist on cruising main drags on at 3mph revving them as they sit in traffic. They can all suck a bag of dicks.

I’d love to see a car ad piece that uses the Captain Obvious model of exposition for everything.

Mine have NEVER been this bad before, and I’m in the Midwest. Thankfully they’ve let up a bit, but I looked like a goddamned zombie the past few weeks. Just angry, red bags under my eyes and itchy arms.

I recently learned I am allergic to everything. Inside. Outside. Fall. Spring. Summer. Dust. Pollen. Ragweed. Grass. Trees. Life. Rainbows and happiness. Allergies are the worst.

While I am not in the northwest or southwest, my allergies have been out the roof the last few weeks. I think it’s all the rain we got in the Bay and then some heat, which caused wild flowers and weeds to flourish. It’s killing meh!

It really seems like there was some lack of common sense on the part of the arresting officer. Their guidelines state that an officer MAY request a passport to verify the validity of the DL. The guidelines are NOT: if foreign driver has no passport on them, arrest them; they are a tool to help an officer determine the

Yup. The cop didn’t know the law, she realized she didn’t know the law and her ego prevented her from backing down.

Either the cop was on a power trip - or - the cop was ignorant of the law.

And don’t forget about the oil industry and people like the Koch brothers.

Tesla is the master of the hype machine much in the same way that Apple was/is. Does that mean that they won’t deliver? I do not believe that to be the case, they just set too ambitious of targets for their manufacturing timeline.

What haven’t they done that they promised?

The “doom and gloom”ers will still be around.

A cable company phone is not a landline, it's a VOIP line which works via the cable modem. In a power outage that modem is a brick and you are just as screwed with a VOIP phone as you would be without it.

If you were the only one who was able to communicate, who did you call?