I don’t ride, myself, but I do absolutely love look and ethos of taking these solid older bikes and doing bobber or cafe-racer conversions.
I don’t ride, myself, but I do absolutely love look and ethos of taking these solid older bikes and doing bobber or cafe-racer conversions.
Same. Learning to sail (or in my case windsurf) almost directly up-wind felt like unlocking some kind of hidden magic.
My Dad had a whole host of noteworthy vehicles.
My favorite bit of GM Parts-Bin engineering was that the ECU, TCU, etc. were shared in basically every GM V6 truck-like vehicle. This meant that one could swap in any of the NP231/233/NV236 2-speed 4x4/AWD transfer cases from a Blazer/Bravada into something like an Astro van that had the single-speed AWD case. The…
Or, and bear with me here, because I get kinda “out there” - we can let people enjoy things how they want to enjoy it.
You use words like “deserve” as if there’s some kind of simple seniority requirement that needs to be paid off by simply doing time in the lower echelons.
I don’t cruise, but have watched enough travel videos from those who do to understand that the design of modern cruise ships make it VERY hard to just “fall”. Every railing, ledge, balcony, etc. is at least chest-high for an average-sized adult - some are more than head-high. The conclusion they all point to is that…
Some days I really miss my Astro van. We had one of the final years (6lug, bigger brakes, etc.) plus AWD, converted to PT 4WD with a low range, and would swallow 8ft sheets of plywood with the doors closed.
“I was fired by Elon Musk.”
The challenge for the Left Hand of Darkness is that Genly is a misogynist. He is the sole representative of the gender-normative worldview through which the reader is challenged. Watching the protagonist struggle with distaste while saying that some of his genderless hosts are acting “womanly” is entirely the point.
In this context, “full performance” means hard pulls under load on a hot day without detonation that induces the knock sensor to start pulling timing.
Steve Matchett talked about this a lot in The Mechanic’s Tale - not only do teams need to know about every part, and track it in terms of space (in inventory, installed in car, etc.), but every such part is tracked in terms of # of race hours, any incidents the car experienced, etc.
BMW Sport Seats.
I’m curious what the “omitted safety equipment” would be.
I just wish we had better options in Minivan land.
Happy to see Patrick getting some recognition on the interwebs. Next up, the real starts of the show: Patrick’s parents.
Please point me to the 58% depreciated X5s... For that pricing, I’d pick one up for road trips and costco runs.
I really do miss the era with the formula was a little more open to these wild interpretations.
Worth noting: Australia is rather famously sticklerish about abiding by GVWR/GVM. The rating on the door jamb is literally the law, and they will setup roadside scale stations and impound vehicles found to be over that weight.