
Toy Story 2 will always be one of my all time favourite video games.

Precisely this, if 3D World and NSMB U could do the same through an update i'd really appreciate it. It just drains battery life for no reason at all, the same sound and picture gets outputted which makes no sense to me.

They actually worked really hard on the Wii U version and they said themselves it's pretty much identical to the X1 version. One of the few third party developers putting effort into optimizing a Wii U game. It's a powerful machine, but it has a big learning curve for developers, such as the high amount of GPGPU

Yeah and it's approx 852 dollars in the UK for the 16GB model, damn.

April 20th seems to be pretty uncommon, woo!

With every 2008 MacBook Air*

I live in Malta yet I wasn't even aware of that, damn it.

Woah, Michael is me, pretty amazed that my tribute got chosen!

The first unibody MacBook 13" Late '08, now on a 2011 MacBook Air 13", once you go mac, you never go back.

With a good camera like Kinect that's very possible with a little augmented reality!

@Bobzination11: Bob, it's Mike you know, the awesome one? :p Amazon ship directly to Malta for free I order many times from them ;)

ah Malta's where I'm from and currently living, this is something typical you'd see really :p

Google Maps can also be used as a free and great flight simulator for those who didn't know! :)

VOTE: www.picnik.com (Picnik) :)

Used to love Golden Sun can't wait :)

This game's gonna be based in my country Malta :)!

Finally a game based in my country Malta :D!

@killaW0lf04: Maltese here too :D How awesome is this :P Too bad I have a Wii thanks to my bro :/