
but first we stop at Taco Bell

Well I have something inside me that girls in Africa get to prevent getting raped, and if you stuck anything in there it would hurt you really badly.

@Phintastic: At least they are the same color.

Now we know where Big Ben the Gray has been spending time during his suspension.

@Blount_Force_Trauma: You get extra points for having the same name as my fantasy football league.

above is old man Favre proving that age hast not withered thine penchant for surrendering passes to thine opponent

We're gonna need a bigger toilet.

Cincinnati, never to be out-classed by New York.

@Phintastic: No worries. I always mix up the two. Happens more as I get older.

Anorexic sharks?! Shit, what's next, sharks that only eat white people?

Go ahead, ya chunky bitch. Keep giving me more reasons to despise being a fan of this abomination of a team.

@Nacireman: However, it is a lot of fun to sing that song on drunken Karaoke night.