That’s some damn good sleuthing, sir.
Besides that, it’s owned and operated by Doctor’s Associates, Inc.
Jim Cooke with another fantastic illustration. Gawker's real MVP.
Jim Cooke with another fantastic illustration. Gawker's real MVP.
I took my grandparents car shopping last week. My grandfather impatiently purchased a Dodge Dart because he hated everything about his Fiat 500L rental car, mainly it’s lineage ( I didn’t have the heart to explain the origins of the Dart).
Seb just wanted some mementos.
I just thought of a new way to maximize the value of the Rangie's warranty.
If that Jeep really wanted to impress me, it'd Command the guy with the camera to stop recording in portrait mode.
The IDEA of this truck gives me a boner. The execution is a bit of a letdown (like said boner).
I was completely amazed at how well the Crosstour drove. It may have been my second favorite Honda. But, damn it's ugly.
It is variable. You're best chance at having the Costco program benefiting you is to have multiple dealers in your area using it. For example, if you have only one Toyota dealer in your buying radius using the program, there isn't too much benefit to the dealer to keep the prices competitive.
The Honda dealer that I worked for had an inspection in January. It was unannounced. The inspector was livid that one of the CPO cars was missing a rear floor mat. I thought he was going to punch our used car manager in the face for having a CPO Civic with aftermarket wheels on it.
They're probably running a criminal conspiracy. (In case this gets Kinja'd, start @ 1:17)
Don't take that post as me defending the practice. You'd be hard pressed to find a salesman that wants to go to work on a normal 11-hour work day an extra 2 hours early.
The "service turn" is very quickly becoming a source of new sales leads. Most service visits are by appt, and it essentially gives the dealership all of the information about your trade.
I propose a Jalopnik Kickstarter. If Gawker can raise over $200k for THE CHANCE of a video of a fat, bumbling drug addict being a fat, bumbling drug addict, surely we can come up with money for a community Jalop-car. I propose storage of it be centrally located for all members at my home in…
It's like a face condom, but breathable.
The jiggle is only the aftershocks of the baseball impact.
Tree's Company.