LMAO, less time in traffic? You have obviously never been to or lived in Dallas/Plano.

Plano is an empty, soulless, void.

As someone who grew up in Dallas proper (Plano is not), I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Why anyone would ever want to live in Plano, much less Dallas, is beyond me. It’s an empty, soulless, vapid, shithole. I’m surprised Toyota didn’t lose more employees in the move.

OMG yes. It’s amazing how the Hamilton haters cannot objectively see this. Vettel is as bad as Hamilton is painted to be in every single way.

Have you missed out on the previous two years of Vettel’s incessant whining on the radio?? Vettel is as much as of cry baby as Hamilton is.

That’s surprising. My 2012 F150 has had zero quality issues and I bought it new.

We do, we just like it in big trucks, not little sedans. Also, there is no such thing as “clean diesel.” I’m rather glad we didn’t adopt small diesel cars like Europe — look at the air pollution they’re dealing with now in Europe and the UK, of which small diesel engine cars are the primary cause.

Uh, E46 M3? The absolute pinnacle of BMW.

I haven’t wanted a BMW since the E46 M3, which I couldn’t afford then but could easily afford a new one now. It’s a shame BMW has gotten away from everything that made them awesome. I’d even venture to say the E46 M3 was the pinnacle of BMW and it’s been all downhill since. *sigh*

Uh, no. Audi has been in Consumer Reports top 3 manufacturers for reliability for several years in a row now. BMW and MB not so much, but Audi’s been killing it.

Ugh.. Solidworks. I had to maintain and upgrade 3DS for our engineers. Fuck that software.

Oooooo... I like that. Well said.

Sucks to be you.

Nope. Trading in our stop-gap ‘17 Expy for one of these when it hits the showroom floors.

That EcoBoost V6 is no joke. My wife’s Expy will out accelerate my V8 F150.

I can’t wait to trade in the stop-gap 2017 Expedition I bought for my wife for this bad boy.

And to answer your question, I’m going to continue what I’ve been doing for my entire life, and that’s not judging anyone by how they look. I don’t give a shit what race/color/creed/religion you are. I only care if you’re a good person or not. Simple as that.

Well then fuck you too. Your movement will continue to be viewed by most white (and brown, yellow, etc.) Americans exactly like it is now. No one is asking to be coddled, least of all me. What I am telling you is that it’s awfully hard to make me feel sympathy for a movement that paints all white people as

Where did I say I was dismissing BLM out of hand? I’m not in the least. What I am saying is that by attempting to make most white people feel guilt and shame for something that they had absolutely nothing to do with is not a good way to help your movement. I have absolutely no control over how an individual police

Actually between heating your home in the winter and cooling it in the summer, A/C is far more energy efficient, and thus more green.