Point of contention: she absolutely did have plans. She had oodles of plans. They were right there on her campaign website for any and all to see. Pages upon pages upon pages of detailed plans for everything. Unfortunately her campaign did a piss poor to non-existent job of actually talking about those plans.

This happened to me. Startup I worked for (was employee #107; company was over 300 when bought) got bought for $405M. I walked away with a whopping $3k. Founders walked away multi-millionaires. Never again. Actually, it’ll be a cold day in hell before I work for a startup again. Too many go belly up and the

Have you had your head in the sand for a while now or what? Bannon. Bannon. Bannon.

Ah yes, you’re the “burn it all to the ground” type. Just because Trump won an extremely narrow election victory does not mean he’s competent or capable of being POTUS. Jesus Christ, just take a look at his first three weeks in office. Or better yet, read this:

This a thousand times over. They need to be reminded constantly of what they’ve done until they admit that they were wrong and did something horribly, awfully, stupid.

I don’t know why this comes to shock to anyone with half a brain. The federal government IS NOT a business, and cannot, nor should not, be run like one!

Where do you live? I’ve spent the last three decades in Texas, which is intrinsically intertwined with Mexico and Mexicans. Our economy, our shared heritage and cultures, etc. — I’ve worked with, been surrounded by, dated, and in general enjoyed my Mexican brothers and sisters. I don’t care if they’re here

I’ll take a number.

I for one, am totally stoked. We bought a new Expy (2017 Ltd.) this past November because we just couldn’t wait any longer, but I’ll definitely be trading it in for one of these when they’re available next fall!

I have a ‘17 Expy Ltd with the EcoBoost. It hauls ass and so far we’re averaging 16.5mpg with under 5k miles on it. Wish I had the EB instead of the Coyote V8 in my ‘12 F150 FX4 SuperCrew.

We just bought a ‘17 Expy Ltd model in Dec and MSRP was $63k. And yes, we’ll definitely be trading it in for the all new one (benefits of having A-plan pricing!).

But they ran out of gas because of Shanahan’s poor play calling and poor to non-existent offensive execution in the second half, which kept the D on the field instead of resting while the O marched down the field and scored, like in the first half.

There were a couple of episodes I didn’t care for too much, but overall I think it’s been a blast to watch and a lot of fun. I agree that the two-part Namibia episode was a bit much, but at least part two had it’s moments. I think a lot of the downs of the season were likely a combination of Amazon’s producers and

I disagree. I think you’re looking for something more specific that GT/TG ever was to begin with by comparing to gootube videos. Quite frankly I think GT is superior to TG and I wish there were multiple seasons to watch already! Though I will agree with Justin that I didn’t particularly care for the two-part

This show makes me happy at a time when the world around me appears to be falling apart and heading for war. I only wish tonight wasn’t this season’s final episode.

Ain’t that the truth.

So how much do you know about CTE? Those “handful” of concussions could cause serious, often fatal, problems later on in your life and other’s. Extreme sports, contact sports, etc., are inherently more dangerous than any athlete has been led to believe, and they often come with a lifetime of misery after a possible


Ewww... you had me until your last paragraph. Star given, star taketh away.

Hey dumbass, the seven countries that Trump’s EO banned people from have NEVER contributed to any American deaths by terrorism. Yeah, ain’t those facts a sumbitch? How about this to make your head spin? The four countries in the ME that weren’t on the list are where ALL of the terrorists that have killed Americans w