At least you had the experience of growing up in a Blue state. I wave my blue flag all the time, and I’ve lived in the south for 36 out of 39 years of my life. *sigh*

While I’d tend to agree (I’m married to a Canadian), the millennials have left me very cynical because of their lack of participation in the political process. They seem to want everything to just magically change with the wave of Harry Potter’s wand and the very second that doesn’t happen, they give up and go back

Sadly you are correct, though I would add that this particular virulent strain of stupidity and death before ANY new taxes is particularly prevalent on the conservative side of the political spectrum here. Most dirty libruls that I know, myself included, would happily pay more in taxes if it buys us services that

As a fellow Gen X’er, I wholeheartedly agree.

Not the government per se, but rather the Air Force brass (a bunch of fighter jockeys).

That’s why we (my wife and I) want to move to Denver. Best of both worlds in Colorado. Warm summers and cold winters. Four real seasons. Unfortunately at the moment I have no idea when, or if, that will happen.

Point. Set. Match. :)

LOL, I’m far from a boomer. But keep on with that attitude. It’s working wonders for our national politics. Your “hero,” Bernie, is obsessed with his own grandiosity now. His Congressional voting record speaks volumes about what he really believes in. But hey, why would you let pesky facts get in the way of your

Nearly a month? Ah, poor baby. Try upper 90s/low 100s for three months in a row, usually with at least 50% humidity, sometimes reaching 100%. There is no way in hell you can even attempt to compare your heat with our heat. Just don’t. Seriously, don’t even try.

Fuck millenials. You lazy fucks can’t be bothered to turn out for elections that aren’t Presidential. It’s why the GOP slaughtered the Dems in 2010 and gerrymandered the shit out of congressional districts. And the slaughter continued in the 2014 midterms as well.

Hot damn, that’s fucking brilliant. (sadly I’m that old too)

Point me to Bernie’s record in Congress and show me exactly what he’s accomplished in ~25 years as an Independent who refused to work with or caucus with the Democrats?

WAY too little, and WAY too late. Bernie did as little as possible to campaign for Hillary. Bernie’s in it for himself, period.

This a thousand times over. The far-left only turns out for national POTUS elections and lets the GOP run roughshod over the Democrats in all non-POTUS elections. As you correctly stated, that’s why we got the Tea Party wave in 2010 that wiped out the Dem majorities in Congress, and allowed for the ridiculous

Well played sir, well played.

Join us! We’ve got that down pat in Texas!

That scenario will be flipped for the other three seasons...

This. You understand.

We get ice about every 2-3 years here for a few days. I’d prefer the snow that came with it in Portland to just the ice.

I’ve lived in the south pretty much my entire life, three years outside of Philly when I was a kid notwithstanding. I *like* winter. I enjoy the cold. You would too if you lived where your four seasons are basically summer, summer, summer, and fall.