Or you could just buy it in HD on Amazon for $17.99 all day long like I did. I find streaming to any device I want much better than owning Blu-rays these days, even if the Blu-ray pic quality is somewhat better.

Or you could just buy it in HD on Amazon for $17.99 all day long like I did. I find streaming to any device I want

In Texas, in which this occurred, the law is that as a motorist you either vacate the lane, or slow down to 25mph under the posted speed limit. Just for clarification.

Gomez is so overrated. The ‘Stros should have already gotten rid of him and let Marisnick play full time. Marisnick is an infinitely better player than Gomez.

The old “General” forums on MustangWorld, circa early 2000s. Holy shit some of those threads could be a shit show!!

I grew up on Smokey and the Bandit, but this thing is just hideous. Kill it with fire.

Ah... good ol’ TWS. Did many a track days there once upon a time ago. Never saw anyone pull that off though!

Okay good, I’m not the only one who thought this.

Has any “running” QB that’s come out of college ever really been successful? The only one I can think of is Steve Young. All the others have been giant flops. Sure, they’re fun to watch in college, but why do NFL teams keep going down this rabbit hole thinking, “this time it’s different!”?

All of you haters are hilarious. Not that any of you will ever be able to afford one, either. I see magazine racing is alive and well on the internet.

And I’m sure that when you walk into that Acura dealership with your $180k check to purchase one they’ll more than happily supply you with those numbers.

Awfully bold claim there considering no one has had the opportunity to run the NSX around the track for testing outside of Honda. I’ve got $20 that says the NSX makes the Viper look as ugly, outdated, and antiquated as it is around a track and in a straight line.

You were either not born yet or still wearing diapers when the original NSX debuted. The current NSX is everything the original NSX was, with modern technology and design.

Oakville or Windsor?

You bias is showing.

You know what? Hillary is right. If you disagree with one or more of your elected representatives that much, then run for their office. Put your money where you mouth is, kid.

My Fidelity 2045 Target Fund fee is .16%. That’s pretty much as good as just about any index fund I’ve looked into.

As someone how grew up in Dallas (like I had a choice?), I think this is fucking fantastic. Yes, there are shitty drivers everywhere, but for whatever reason people in Dallas are in a league of their own.

Was a PITA to get the damn thing on/off, but had a blast cruising around Dallas in those summer nights growing up!

oooooo... needs moar stars

Exactly. I’ve never understood why Audi doesn’t bring over those cars for US sales. We seriously have to be a bigger market for them than Europe where gas cost a LOT more than here. I’d love an RS4 or an RS6, way more than I’d love an equivalent M or AMG car. But I literally can’t buy one here, so Audi loses out on a