Pardon my language, but it's when a guy cums inside a ... person ... and then spreads them wide open so you can see it all drip out.
Pardon my language, but it's when a guy cums inside a ... person ... and then spreads them wide open so you can see it all drip out.
Rooster's Millions
I highly doubt she's ever fought a cock in her life.
She was fighting cock?
Remember, if it's not New York City, according to Gawker it's a wasteland.
This story is a lot better read than the one about the Romanian Prince arrested for his part in Oregon Cockring Fighting.
Stop ragging on her looks, you guys have no idea what you're talking about. Have you even heard her speak in her native language yet? Pure Romance.
It's like all my favorite things, done wrong.
Not exactly the pic you expect when you hear the word 'princess', but arguably one of the greatest headlines ever.
This, right here, this is something special. This is a royal mug shot.
Stop. Just stop.
You're absolutely correct. However I reserve my right to tell Doug Barry specifically to shut up, because when he writes crappy thoughtless posts he (usually) rambles his way through senseless, irrelevant non-sentences that make my brain want to punch my computer screen.
shut up Doug.
Hey I have an idea! Let's figure out which Hollywood actress is currently the most unbalanced, insecure, and potentially mentally ill and then every time she does anything atypical we can mock her on the internet! It's a perfect plan, I mean what could go wrong?
Don't the dead ever have anything practical to say to the living? Like "don't sell the house until you retrieve the bowling bag full of cash I stashed in the heating vent in the hallway". Or bad news they couldn't eliver when alive: "The man you know as 'Daddy' isn't really. I'm so sorry, sweetheart, but your real…
Smelling phantom cigarette smoke or other burning smells is an actual phenomenon, but it doesn't have anything to do with ghosts. It's called parosmia. It can reoccur due to chronic sinus infections, brain tumor, chemical or solvent exposure, epilepsy, Parkinsons, and some kinds of head trauma, although sometimes it's…
$1700/night seems like kind of a bargain for a hospital suite in Manhattan with a full-time nurse, doesn't it?
Okay Billy-Jean Bobs, a house like this is basically a motorhome or a camper, but stationary. An expensive, modern looking trailerpark home.
Hate to say this but puzzle freaks with a streak of perfectionist obsession gonna love this.