This post is pretty representative of the whole thing. Undertale isn’t gonna win because it was such a good game or because anyone thought it deserved to win. It’s just going to win because people wanted to troll other people. That’s its legacy now. Probably the biggest thing it’s going to be remembered for, trolling.…
Undertale has been dominating my Tumblr feed for months. I need to figure out how to blacklist it for my own sanity.
Passion =/= Popularity. The Undertale community is full of young, overly passionate kids, while the other games have older communities now that are into a lot of things. Those older games are still popular, but the community has no need to be in a passionate frenzy about the games.
They’ll rename it Tekken X (a) Street Fighter.
Consider how many years it’s taken Square Enix to plan and prepare to fuck this up.
You lost me, then you found me again.
A guy here. My girlfriend watches porn, but I do not (although I used to).
There isn’t really a good way to translate this kind of thing into English. People just don’t say that kind of thing in English. “I’ll try my hardest and chase tomorrow!”
Reading an EULA is tedious, irritating, and often fruitless.
Failure to read an EULA, however, obviates the whole, “but I didn’t -know-,” claim.
Thus, law.
All the people that think this mission is horrible and therefore should be removed seem to have missed the entire point of the mission.
Yes its horrible, thats the fucking point. Terrorism is horrible. And the best way to convey that message, is putting you in the middle of it.
aand maybe some people just want to listen to music they like while keeping themselves busy pressing prompted buttons rhythmically
I like wood paneled PT Cruisers.
Introducing Red Tube’s new subscription service where you can subscribe to videos that suit YOUR personal preferences. We are calling it “RedTube You”
Well, the game is about stealing money...
“You probably don’t ride, so you don’t understand the unquenchable urge that riding gives you to act like an entitled dickhead on the road.”
Total Recall is a look back at the history of video games through their characters, franchises, developers and trends.