Miguel Ortiz

Seriously? Mass Rape, attempted or otherwise, may have just occurred and you're splitting hairs over gender identity? Brian shouldn't have tweaked the headline, he was scientifically correct.

So, yes, don't put these in your bottom. Is this a cheeky request from overprotective attorneys?

Women are first in the Eggman Empire.

UGGGHHHHH.......... I'm going to put your very WRONG opinion aside about Skyrim and stay on topic. Admittedly, I have a very optimistic idea what open world will mean for Zelda. I just expect them to do it right, to do it justice.

Trying to drag Zelda back into the NES dark ages, huh? Zelda is getting stale. From Ocarina to Skyward, they've all been the same "use X with/against/alongside Y to make Z happen" puzzle formula. 2D Zelda's suffer a similar "Use X at location Y to materialize a path to Z" formula. I'm not saying these formulas are

Mmm, maybe it's just me then. I hated holding the GamePad for too long at those Target Kiosks. Playing Mario Bros. or Zelda is one thing but I just don't see it working out with a with fast paced game like Smash.

Wait, you really think so? I've held the GamePad before and honestly I think it's terrible compared to the Wiimote/Nunchuk combo. Yes, the button layout is the same but you gotta take ergonomics into account. You can't wrap your hands around the GamePad the way you can wrap your hands around the GC/Pro controller or

Mmm, yeah, that's right.

My "end-all be-all" wish for a VII remake would be a remade, re-envisioned main game alongside the original game with only a graphical enhancement that would put it on the level of say PS3 game or a remastered PS2 game (think FFX).

What you're describing just sounds like a cluster fuck of Final Fantasy in the style Ultimate Ninja Storm. It's honestly not appealing; Dissidia's crossover plot was fine (Well, not Duodecim's), and still has a ton of room to be improved upon with more/new characters.

Sigh. Oh look, another white knight against emulation. Some controllers are just better than others. Get over it and get over yourself, please.

You're implying that the WiiU gamepad is a suitable controller for Smash Bros. and that's not ok.

Sure, but some are more outward about it than others.

Oh that's a good question. My Wii stopped reading discs a couple years back well before Motion+ was a thing, so I trashed it and got on the Wii's emulation scene. I don't think I've ever even held a Wiimote+.

Brawl played well with the Wiimote/Nunchuk combo so it stands to reason that U would have the option as well. You might be solid. Otherwise, make sure you have a 60 dollar budget for at least two GC controllers.

I saw him live and all I got was an asshole vibe from him :/

But he didn't, nor did he have to.

Now tip it further until it lands in a trash can.

Oh man, I LOVED that time when Itachi and Kakashi went sailing down the Grand Line in search of One Piece! Wonder why NARUTO didn't tag along? ;)