Miguel Ortiz

Nobody likes you, genghisares.

You're kind of people suck all the fun out gaming, you know that?

That's not a bad thing, I don't think. I mean that kind of opinion feels alien to me as I love comedic anime and tend to shrug off serious anime but I'll be the first to admit that comedy in anime reaches the lowest of brows, but then, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Are you a real serious type? I don't see any comedies there. Sure there are funny moments in CB and a handful in BO none of this stuff is entirely comedy.

Suddenly hotdogs come to mind...

Is cooking with a boner dangerous?

Yeah it's definitely a semantics issue. you could say that sitting still is physical exercise because you're body is still burning calories even at rest since it's contracting various other muscles.

You know, if we're going by the basic definition of athlete, rapid and calculated movement of the fingers and thumbs does count as physical exercise.

You're a patient man, Luke.

Yeah, even if there was point sitting somewhere in the cesspool of text he spewed, the way he was conveying it was entirely disrespectful and unnecessary.

Seriously man, don't be a dick about that shit. I respect that some of my friends believe in something I don't. I don't ridicule them and they don't tell me I'm going to hell.

No, man; it's just character.

it's not even played much anymore. you're thinking of Roar if it's on the radio now.

No no, that's character alright.

Yeah like I said, there's the method to make the shiny rate go up, but it's still more effort than I'd like to put in for a Pallet swap. For some, that's earning it, for myself that's overkill. If I can find another method that suits my needs, I'll use it.

You don't earn what randomly comes to you.

It's not a very good one.

That's stupid, man. How do you come to that conclusion?

I don't see where she's controlling him?