
His run on JSA and JSA All-Stars was not very good. He took a team with an already large cast, made it even larger, seemingly so it could be split into two mediocre titles.

He also broke Alan Scott’s next in the very first issue of JSA he wrote, leading to a revamp of Green Lantern Alan Scott’s costume that is

Sorry Mark, but you fucked up. 2 out of 4 times. The fifth season is your last chance at redemption, and if you fuck that one up too, then you will solely be responsible for turning one of DC’s greatest into absolute rubbish.

I would really like to know the decision process that made him turn Arrow into Batman and the horrible Olicity story line. And why has he dropped the ball on Arrow these past two seasons.

I have some questions...

At no point in the interview did it occur to you to ask him why the hell they have the forced drama between Felicity and Oliver? It accomplishes nothing other than to piss people off and is a poor type of writing.

Audi guy was initially being a dick by pulling in the cyclist zone (I hate those stupid areas, all they do is favor the progress of slower vehicles over faster ones, which makes no sense from a traffic engineering perspective, but anyway), but after that, I blame the cyclist completely. He made it a point to cycle way

Audi guy seems like a jackass. But how do we know what transpired between 1:09 and 1:13 when the camera was turned the other way? Question: if bike guy hit Audi guy's window really hard just then, would it justify Audi guy's reaction? To me, probably... sort of like the NYC thing with the Range Rover Sport back in