
I could not agree more. I'm clapping, but since you can't see it, I'll let Stabler show you:

Resting bitch face. And I love her all the more for it.


That kind of logic makes me want to pull my hair out.

Maddow's sigh @ 4:23 is *everything*.

They already bit! Dismissed.

Wait, there's no REAL cheese involved in this???

Haha, I'll giggle if they do. Some of my favorite celebs are older ladies & gents so I'll just respond with gif.s of them if they do.

Laughed out loud at my desk by myself. WELL PLAYED. +1

I actually find myself wondering who her fans are?! Everyone I know thinks she is the WORST.

Not mean. Sometimes the truth hurts.

All I see when Madonna does shit like this is:

Bahahaha balm = palm. Fucking auto correct.

SO BRILLIANT. I can't wait to try this!!

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd then you woke up.

You would know, I'm sure.

You're right. This looks so easy and like it takes no practice or skill.

All three are married, two with children and the nicest women a person could imagine. All have other full time jobs, are intelligent, and are really passionate and committed to their craft. I imagine this is something you know nothing about.

I happen to know three NFL cheerleaders, and that is not the reason any of them sought and took their jobs. Albeit they are treated much better than the Raiderettes, they still aren't treated very well. They cheer b/c they love it and have been doing it all their lives. They are talented as fuck, and technically they

Not to mention they draw ticket sales etc., NONE of which benefits them. It's ludicrous.