Thank you so much for this. I carry a lot of tough feelings from distancing myself from my toxic, alcoholic mother, but I also feel gratitude. This really resonated with me as Mother’s Day is always a mixed bag of emotions for me.
Now his younger bro on the other hand........ (Swooooooooon)
I have. It’s so frustrating! I’m not tech savvy necessarily, but I can always figure something out. It makes me want to avoid apple products in the future, which is sad because I have several and like that they work so well together.
Side bar: umpteen months later I STILL can’t fucking delete this garbage from my phone. Swipe to delete other songs? No problem. Swipe to delete this? Nope. Two songs remain. And it chaps my ass more than if I were bare assed on a MN January day.
If Sir Eddie had been Christian Grey, I might have seen the movie. (And by "might" I meant: eleventy billion times). I know it's kind of strange, but he's my celebrity uber-crush.
I don't understand how she gets her boobs to do that. She's had a baby she breast fed for Christ's defies gravity. For the record, I think the dress is interesting and fabulous.
Being bored and disgusting all at once is such a strange mix of emotions.
Puffins are one of those animals I have to think twice about if they're mythical or real. Unicorn? Obviously mythical. Cow? Obviously real. Puffin??
Also loving this album so much. That Mary J and Sam Smith duet is SO EFFING GOOD. What an unlikely and incredible duo.... I'll be listening to that on repeat all day.
I don't even care if that asshat reads these. I am so amused at our funnies.
and AFFORDABLE. Don't forget my favorite part!!!
As long as you're amused! I find it exhausting. Between that and all the promiscuous sex and regular abortions I'm having, life is BUSY.
Nice try, Biebs. Keep tryin' buddy. Fer cewet.
There is no point. Seriously. I went at it for a few days with this person as well. It's pointless and will only raise your blood pressure. However, I do know EXACTLY how you feel in your need to respond. If you have the strength for it, have at it. I'm not dismissing everything "she" (I think it's a dude) says. Good…
I had a sneaking suspicion it was a dude. Trolling the troll. Well played.
This Minneapolis woman is awesome. Makes me proud of my home city.
I fucking loathe her. I'm ignoring her from now on. I never should have engaged... Good luck.....
YOU ARE SO MISGUIDED AND NAIVE IT ACTUALLY PAINS ME. I NEVER said an aborted fetus is PREFERABLE you fucking waste of space. I ADORE children (I'd HAVE to have 5 living under my roof) and wish for nothing more than every single one who is born to have love and support in their lives. That is what I work toward. Every.…