i have a lead: the crook’s name rhymes with “bartavis mryant”
i have a lead: the crook’s name rhymes with “bartavis mryant”
“Stealer Steals Steeler Steed”?
Why does he have to air his dirty laundry in public like this? Just go to Martavius’s house and get it, maybe smack him up too. Just keep it private.
It’s cool Antonio Brown is offering those tickets, at least Martavis Bryant will finally be able to see the field when he returns the bike.
A bike? Who rides a bike? Back when I was a kid in Pittsburgh, you had to ride The Bus.
Eagles fan here, and The Athletic’s coverage of the birds is worth the price of admission alone. Sheil Kapadia (former Birds247 founder) writes smart breakdowns of All-22s (with clips), has ongoing weekly conversations with people like Geoff Schwarz and Joe Banner that are more interesting than anything I’ve read in…
I think the point that the Athletic is trying to make is that there simply isn’t enough free content left any more. It used to be (In the golden days of 2012) I could get all the NFL post-analysis that I ever wanted for free on the internet. The death of Grantland really changed that; Barnwell’s columns seem lifeless…
One of my favorite early pieces on Grantland was an oral history of The National.
Not fair. Tim Kawakami, the EIC of the Bay Area verticle, is and was a columnist. That site also has Marcus Thompson. They just added Peter Gammons, who is more or less a columnist. It’s a diverse group of writers in terms of what they focus on.
The Athletic reminds me of The National, the daily national sports newspaper that hired a ton of excellent writers and just didn’t make enough money because even an avid sports fan can find enough interesting free content that they don’t need to subscribe.
They’ve got a pretty dedicated Bay section - I think they’ve written like 3 or 4 articles concerning Kaepernick. They have a lot of tangentially sports related articles. A recent example is the Blues writer, Jeremy Rutherford, wrote an article about the Blues playing Vegas. But, it really centered around how Vegas has…
they’re under contract with barstool for the forseeable future
I’ve followed Barstool for quite some time now. Not as a reader but more of an observer who has watched it grow from a regional blog to the behemoth it is today in the span of a decade. The least redeeming quality for some of my friends is that they’re big Barstool fans. They aren’t full blown “Stoolies” who harass…
For some reason Seth Meyers had Portnoy on his show a few months ago. I love Seth but that was not a good segment.
if Bois/Ufford/Hall/Brisbee/Ziller/Connelly somehow figured out how to ditch SBN, I’d follow them wherever.
Deadspin has a very similar background to barstool that these articles refuse to acknowledge. There are certainly some instances where barstool has continued to be pretty borderline on content, bringing up pieces written 3-5 years ago is pretty disingenuous when deadspin has plenty of that in their history. While you…
I just posted the same thing. As a follower of Zodiac for years and a fellow Metro Detroiter and alcoholic, I have a bad feeling about Zodiac MF and the heroin/fentanyl epidemic around here. (Baseless speculation and I hope I’m wrong)
I fondly remember the humble beginnings of PFTcommenter on KSK (rip), it was obviously (very funny) satire, and when he went on SBN, holy crap did the morons over there not get it.
Why does everyone say “he walked off on his own power” like that doesn’t indicate an ACL. Is everyone so confused about how an ACL tear works that they don’t realize you can walk in straight lines without any issue with a torn ACL?