
And now it’s time for the word of the day.

Farmers get subsidies, and they also have to comply with regulations. Given the choice between handouts that small farms may or may not qualify for and require lots of paperwork to request vs some USDA inspector fining you for runoff, I think most farmers may prioritize the latter.

Now playing

I thought it was Amish Paradise actually.

Some people might be ok with that - the TV is always on in some households. Seems the case in mine whether I like it or not.

People may focus on the early 90's as the first impacts of Cornell and his contemporaries. For me, the impact is in the early 00's when Cornell and Grohl and others became more visible again in the various supergroups like Audioslave. These were college years for me and seeing Cornell live is a vivid memory that gives

in the push to modernize our energy grid.

I mined some coins just to see what it was all about a few years ago back when it was easy to do so with my desktop computer. I think I ended up with 20,000 coins or so. Not sure what to do with them or even if I can get my wallet to work now.

I’m a little disappointed that the longest and most data filled posts on Gizmodo are about the he said/she said re-hash of a political event. I’d like to see a similar length and content article about space exploration or the latest electronic development or natural sciences or science fiction or etc. etc.


I agree. The measure of a corporation’s value is the share price. Yahoo shares have outperformed the market and other tech competitors such as GOOG and MSFT since Jan 2012. I don’t recall Mayer’s exact start date, so measuring from there may make the stock performance closer to competitors, but for sure YHOO has

If you must complain about entry to Legoland then you have absolute proof that you are indeed a child and can enter. Problem solved.

I think holodeck re-creations for investigative purposes is a good formula for creating tension. “Identity Crisis” was the first episode to utilize this. When they were recreating the planet and found the dis-embodied shadow then “poof” there’s an alien figure. That creeped me out as well.

If the post is on the front page of Reddit, it will be summarized and referenced on Gizmodo.

Start-up idea generator! AI produced car commercials for local dealers. Just identify the stock phrases and the AI will cross-reference to published specs and spit out the results.

No doubt it has always been a component. I wonder though if the screen time devoted to politics has increased. Would be an interesting analysis.

I forgot the gov pays for everything through debt itself... That is interesting.

SNL has figured out that triggering the outrage of the masses over political and social commentary is the surest way to ratings. Other forms of humor (slapstick, crude jokes, silly characters) don’t grab the attention anymore.

No one’s paying anything. Discharge the debt means the liability simply goes “poof”. It’s lost revenue for the US Gov for sure, but no big deal. Better to keep that money in the hands of the individuals where it can more efficiently be put to use.

Careful, the real reason may not have anything to do with Windows versions and features and may be more to do with your age.

What is the definition of a living wage?