Anyone can run for public office. People’s free time should allow them to take pics like this. How is it possible to think that this type of public image will be electable?
Anyone can run for public office. People’s free time should allow them to take pics like this. How is it possible to think that this type of public image will be electable?
I have a 2006 Grand Cherokee. The shifter PRND is a mechanical lever pulling an arm on the transmission. It also has an electronic selector by dragging a brush along a coded circuit board trace. Thus, the system is redundant - you have tactile movement of the lever and electronic detection of the position. I have had…
Is there another variable if the failure is not a component failure and instead a user error?
It seems the moral of the story is that living in a high density large population city sucks no matter where it is. Maybe mankind was meant to live in small communities instead.
New business model in automotive field. I will come up with a company called OhmFaradHenryVolt Automotive. I will claim to produce an electric car with 1,000,000,000 miles on a charge with 500,000hp which is also self driving. I will market it to rich people. I will take deposits (refundable hah!). Then I will take a…
A human is possibly dumb. All of the humans are very smart and observant. An AI doesn’t have to out-smart a single human, it must outsmart all of humanity.
Socially awkward nerds in positions of power with more money than they would ever need? What could go wrong?
So now I know how I can start a business in the phone accessory department. I’m going to make a motomod with a headphone jack. Maybe make one with extra bluetooth channels as well? Hmmmm...
So obvious!
I assume the 8c/kwhr is the LCOE number? That’s not bad, but still a little bit high. Best to target 4-6c.
This one sums it up pretty well. Will be playing this all day.
Typical gov funded worker. Slow and inefficient but still blames everyone else because they think they know better than the common peasants.
I need someone else to confirm this for me. When I was younger I remember partially unwrapping a straw then blowing the wrapper off as a projectile. It was fun and stupid.
Very interesting video! Of course I googled price of platinum per gram. $31.47 is what I got. So based on the calculations from the video, for every ton of the sifted dust, you can extract about $200 of platinum.
I was curious about at all the comments about console release schedules. Here’s the historical releases (not including some consoles like Wii):
I wish this was addressed more in stories/articles like this. A key reason earth is habitable is the magnetic field. Seems this is somewhat rare circumstance to have a protective bubble like this around our planet. Temperature is only a single factor in many that are required for sustainable life.
I can’t help but hear this over and over whenever bucket seat vs bench seat is mentioned.
It used to be the norm 10-15 years ago, but like many things, I think it’s cyclical. We have worn out the sci-fi shooters that harken back to doom, quake. Now we are back to genre that came next in the cycle - WW shooters like bf 1942 and the original cod.
As demographics also start to skew a bit older
Marinette Marine is one of the few companies keeping Marinette/Menominee alive these days. It will be ugly if they lose volume when the contract dries up.