Yeah seems like it. I’d sign up for a month of DC’s streaming service if I could, but I guess I’ll have to fucking steal it.
Yeah seems like it. I’d sign up for a month of DC’s streaming service if I could, but I guess I’ll have to fucking steal it.
Any idea how this will be watchable in Canada?
So I tried thinking about it, but your logic is so tortured I couldn’t focus past the screaming.
It’s like a poorly animated video game character. Excellent.
I mean it’s clear enough to anyone that’s watched a campfire burn down. Sometimes pieces of wood don’t get touched by the flames. That’s why party of a good campfire experience is continually fucking with it until you accidentally kill it and all your friends get upset with you.
I agree with that sentiment.
Yeah but any game that’s “a disaster” will have trouble being profitable, regardless how long it takes to make.
I don’t recall them in the Senate saying “Hey this is bad,” or really ever talking to anyone other than another Jedi about it. Maybe they mention it to Jimmy Smits?
To me, that’s a failure of too much of the script being focused on plot. To respond to your other post, I’ll break down my thoughts a bit.
I mean couldn’t she have done her suicide run before those other two ships were destroyed? How many people were on those?
Blaming the Jedi for “allowing his rise” as RJ wrote it...removes ANY responsibility for the plans and nefarious machinations of Sheev Palpatine entirely.
I really feel like for all the talk about this movie, my issues are really just on a plotting/timeline level.
I just want to say I appreciate you responding to all of these commenters not with a copy-paste, but with different messages of contrition. I admit, with your original post, I was thinking “But I thought Arnheim was good! Oh no!” But now I think you’re good again.
Kyouya youare worng trashmyego have right,blizzard shit on us. and if you are against us, just kill your self, videogame world dont need a useless human like you
Gamers are no different then regular people, also considering we raised 13 million dollars for breast cancer and we donate every year.
He’s like 100 though, right? I always figured that Geralt has looked like he was in his 40s for at least seventy years.
Give him a beard. Personally I was getting a Christopher Lambert in Mortal Kombat vibe, which, uh, isn’t what I was hoping for.
Yeah, we basically took it as a chance for everyone to go to the bathroom, get a drink, whatever. It’s a bit obnoxious but you can make it work. You just have to go against the natural instinct in Diablo to continually check your loot.
A leashed kid is also way less likely to wander into traffic, get snatched by a stranger, etc. I don’t really understand the argument against leashes, other than “it’s like a dog,” which, uh, ok. My dog doesn’t get hit by cars or run off, so that just seems like an unambiguously good thing to me.