
A leashed kid is also way less likely to wander into traffic, get snatched by a stranger, etc. I don’t really understand the argument against leashes, other than “it’s like a dog,” which, uh, ok. My dog doesn’t get hit by cars or run off, so that just seems like an unambiguously good thing to me.

As someone who spent years working for a lot of (generally insane) independent business owners, and now someone that owns their own business (and routinely deals with lots of other independent businesses), I’m gonna star the shit outta this.

This is timely. I was just called this the other day and thought it seemed like a weird pull.

A star for effort.

I think we’ve been silent on the NEED for a War on Multivitamins for too long.

Without the Senate, highly-populous states would have unimpeachable political power as well. Given your prejudice against middle-America, you can understand why that makes the rest of us nervous?

Seems like America is suffering under the yoke of bigots that have too much electoral power, really.

I love the bickering old married couple tone of Splitscreen spilling over into the comments. Makes me feel like a kid at family dinners.

“If I were on that call, by myself, no matter the race of the person, they would have been handcuffed,” Lawson told the paper.

The /s tag isn’t quite subtle enough. It’d be like if we had to make this face to convey sarcasm in person:

What kind of sick fuck saves a 36-year-old calendar?

But when does he fit in being a total POS?

“It’s not wrong, it’s historical!”

Gotta save something for the R-Rated spinoff.

I mean if they made a Transformers movie that I loved as much as Homecoming, well, that would do it.

At this point, I feel like they need to do more than make a “good” Transformer movie to bring me back. It’s need to be fucking amazing.

Welcome back Mike!

You’re either a patsy for Nazi bullshit or a racist POS that’s feigning ignorance because you’re a coward and can’t own how terrible your beliefs are.