
Yeah, but Hawkeye and Mustang clearly have an intense relationship happening, whatever that is. Shiro doesn’t really seem to have that with anyone (Keith maybe, but given them also having an older/younger brother dynamic, other readings of that become a little loaded).

I think that more than depriving the show of a queer character, we’re deprived of a queer relationship. I mean, if you take that one scene out of the show (Adam and Shiro arguing before Shiro leaves), there is essentially no LGBT representation in the show. Shiro might be gay, but without seeing that depicted it feels

I don’t know, Hawkeye and Mustang have some thick sexual tension without needing to be explicit. Voltron doesn’t really do that. Or maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying?

Whatever suffering Trump endures in his life will be less than he has inflicted on thousands of families. You should direct your empathy to something more worthy, like perhaps the generations that will have to deal with the fallout (hopefully not literally) of America’s shitty politics.

I’m in Canada and I see Confederate flags where I live. I don’t believe there is basically any population centre in America where that wouldn’t be true.

I agree that this particular guy sounds like a creepy fuck, but I don’t think that using that metric to put people on a watch list will be effective.

What about an in-game prison?

That seems like basically everyone who plays video games (to make no mention of books, music or film) would be on a watch list. Even if you decide that you’re just going to apply that metric to multiplayer games, that will have a lot more people on the watch list that are totally normal folks than nutso killers.

Great article, great ad placement.


Classic Shakespearean twist.

Anyone that looks at how the criminal justice system treats black people and doesn’t see a problem is racist.

It`s a simple answer for a thieving socialist. Take over all Insurance companies too. Once one industry take over is accepted, any other is easy. Take over the Hospitals,then they can`t refuse anyone right ? Take over everything,if anyone protests, shoot him & make his family pay for the bullet. There is no

Maybe all the super rich people in America should pay for it.

Cool, sounds like I should for sure. Thanks!

Yeah it sounds like everything from the get go has been redone so looks like a new save file is in order.

Ah, good to know, thanks!

New playthrough it is! Thanks!

I just reinstalled and started a new playthrough within the last week, so if there’s nothing new within the first five or so hours I think I’ll stick with that. I was happy to leave my original playthrough of the game though.

Alright, thanks for the heads up!